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.:The Elite:.

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.:My Family:.

Enta & RockyBeke&MikeBekeBridgi

Indulás: 2008-03-28


Webmiss: Brigitta_v
Contacts: Site Tumblr Mail
Design: Brigitta_v
Version: Dreadlocks /v.17/
Translations by:
BTK APP-screens: BKT Q&A

This is just a fansite about the German band, about the Tokio Hotel. The webmiss hasn't got any contact with the band or the managements. 


Tokio Hotel tribute the fans
When Tokio Hotel were about to play in Sweden last time, the singers vocal cords striked. Now can they finally meet their Swedish fans in Stockholm and Göteborg. Themselfs, dream about playing in the outer space.

Before the weekend's two awaited Sweden concerts had the German popband, Tokio Hotel, only two experiences of Sweden. One concert that got cancelled due to a sudden vocal cord surgery, and one signing session in Göteborg [that's actually wrong, it was in Stockholm] some year earlier, a thousand lucky created total chaos. In a lounge below the Globe, just arrived in Sweden, the singer Bill Kaulitz remember the event with a broad smile. - "That signing session, we had been sitting 8hrs in a bus and suddenly got to meet all fans that got totally crazy when they saw us. We're of course really happy that we've such energetic fans", he says.

- "It's -10 degrees today! Yet they wait outside of the arena", says the twinbrother and guitarist player Tom Kaulitz.

Have you gotten used to have such an engaged audience?
- "To be honest, you never get used by it fully. We in the band are the same persons that we always have been, and we still can't understand that people have posters of us on the walls", Bill Kaulitz says.
- "Especially not if someone have any of Georg", says Tom Kaulitz with a ironic nod to the basist Georg Listing.

Your lyrics is often about pretty heavy elements. Is it harder to write them now when you're stars?
- "No, you always write about your own experiences. It's not like we suddenly live in a world with only stars, we're still people on this planet. We've the same problems as everyone else", says Bill Kaulitz.

How important are your fans PR-work for you?
- "Really important. On the Internet there's of course both bad sites and good fansites, but for us it has always been an asset that we have the kind of active fans", says Bill Kaulitz.

On your latest album you sing about that the future is already here. How do you imagine Tokio Hotels future?
- "I think we'll get to see flying cars and aliens [laugh]. But seriously speaking so is our whole latest album inspired by the whole idea of the future. We believe that there's something out there", Bill Kaulitz says.
- "I would like to fly with UFOs and visit other planets", says Tom Kaulitz.
- "Perhaps could we be the first band that plays on another planet? That would be a dream," says Bill Kaulitz and laughs."
Translation by EEELIINA

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