Latin America-Tour in November 2010 - Info Update #1 Tom 2010. Augusztus 16-i blogbejegyzésében már bejelentette - lesz egy kis turné Latin Amerikában 5 koncerttel! Az utóbbi időben sok pletyka keringett az időpontokról, de most úgy tűnik, hogy vannak hiiivatalos időpontok Brazíliából és Chileből, amelyeket a két ország hivatalos fanclubjai erősítettek meg...
2010.11.23. - São Paulo, Brasilia
2010.11.28. - Santiago, Chile
Ford: Brigi @ Billkaulitz-fans
In Tom's Blogeintrag vom 16.08.2010 wurde sie ja schon angekündigt - die kleine Tour in Lateinamerika mit 5 Konzerten! In letzter Zeit gab es viele Gerüchte und angebliche Termine, aber nun scheint es zumindest für Brasilien und Chile offizielle Konzert-Dates zu geben, die auch von den offiziellen Fanclubs der beiden Länder bestätigt werden konnten...
23.11.2010 - São Paulo, Brasilien
28.11.2010 - Santiago, Chile
Tom's blog-entry from August 16th 2010 already announced it - the small tour in Latin America with five concerts! Recently there have been many rumors and alleged concert-dates, but now it seems there are official dates for Brazil and Chile, which are also confirmed by the official fanclubs of the two countries...
November 23rd 2010 - São Paulo, Brazil
November 28th 2010 - Santiago, Chile
Tokio Hotel in Chile: on November 28 in Espacio Riesco The news will resound strongly on the musical Chilean market. Thousands of fans hoped patiently that it was confirmed and today, ICON GROUP, producer of the show, communicated it OFFICIALLY: this November 28, at 21:00, in Espacio Riesco (one might change the Movistar Arena), will present one of the most winning bands of last decade: TOKIO HOTEL.
The German band will present his HUMANOID CITY TOUR 2010, which already has been catalogued as the best tour of his career, since it mixes all the successes of the quartet (Automatic; World Behind My Wall; Ready, Set, Go and Monsoon), with big surprises of pyrotechnics, a visual offer full of ultramodern and technological elements and the whole charisma of the group headed by Bill Kaulitz.
The rest of the band is composed by his brother Tom Kaulitz together with Georg Listing and Gustav Schäfer whom met in this project that soon they will do 10 years of triumphant existence (they began 2001)
The twins Kaulitz have been united to the music from children, performing and generating compositions that led them to turning into the Group Revelation of Germany into 2006 receiving prizes as BAMBI, ECHO, WORLD MUSIC AWARDS, BRAVO AWARDS and in the year 2007 already they have gained another prize ECHO.
Likewise, they have 9 golden discs and 6 platinum discs (between singles and CD), all with a musical style only one defined as a mixture between emo, indie and rock.
A very important point for the band is the image, for this reason, they have emphasized his putting in scene with wardrobe that recreates real images of cómics ANIME or MANGA… that of course, it will be able see in the only concert, a musical and technological own experience of the 21st century, only as Tokio Hotel can do it!!!
28 of November/21:00 h./Espacio Riesco
Tickets to the sale from next week in Puntoticket and the prices will be between 15.000$ and 130.000$
translation by Lore
Reebok-Gewinnspiel / Reebok-Contest
Az ReseTH egyik látogatója is írt a Reeboknak a koncertekkel kapcsolatban. A Reebok válasza:
"Nem tudjuk megerősíteni a banda közelgő turnés terveit.
A témát illetően fel kell venned a kapcsolatot a bandával a hivatalos fórumukon keresztül a
Ezt a pontot illetően, az úticélok még mindig titkosak, szeptember 30.-a után lesznek nyilvánosságra hozva.
A visitor of ReseTH wrote to Reebok about concerts, too. She got this answer:
"We cannot confirm the band's upcoming tour plans.
Regarding this topic you have to contact the band through their official contact forum at
At this stage, the target of the journey is still a secret, which will be published after September 30th."
(c) ReseTH
Thanks to Éva
Bill Kaulitz’s Hollywood Retail Romp
Making the most of his Thursday afternoon (August 26) Bill Kaulitz was spotted shopping in Los Angeles yesterday.
The Tokio Hotel singer opted for some retail therapy at the Fred Segal store in Hollywood and was personally escorted by a member of their staff.
On Tuesday night (August 24) Bill was over at the Trousdale nightclub for a party in memory of the late Adam “DJ AM” Goldstein.
The one year anniversary of Goldstein’s death is this Saturday (August 28th). He passed away due to an accidental drug overdose.
Reebok tour will be in Europe EURÓPÁBAN lesz a turné

Írtam a Reeboknak az új turnéval kapcsolatban, mivel voltak bizonyos pletykák, hogy a fiúk Amerikába mennek koncertezni.
A válaszuk: "A turnéra Európában kerül sor"
I wrote to Reebok because of rumors about american tour.
They answered: "The tour will be held in Europe"
Info by ReseTH
Rumor! / Gerücht! / Pletyka! 
According to this article it will be a concert in São Paulo on 23.11.2010
E cikk szerint lesz egy koncert Sao Pauloban 2010. 11.23-án.