SINGFEST-Festival 2010 - Singapore, 03.08.2010
A Tokio Hotel fel fog lépni a SINGFEST-Fesztiválon augusztus 3.-án Szingapúrban!
Tokio Hotel will be performing at the SINGFEST-Festival on 3rd August 2010 in Singapore!
További fellépők:
Aug 3 (Tuesday)
1. Katy Perry
2. Tokio Hotel
3. Wonder Girls
4. Orianthi
August 4 (Wednesday)
1. Kanye West
2. Diane Birch
3. July Black
August 5 (Thursday)
1. Smashing Pumpkins
2. 30 Seconds to Mars
3. Ian Brown
Venue: Fort Canning Park
Dates: 3rd August to 5th August
Time: From 6 PM (Doors open at 5 PM) [Singapore Time]
Ein neuer Termin! Tokio Hotel werden am 3. August 2010 beim SINGFEST-Festival in Singapur auftreten!
Hier sind weitere Details:
3. August (Dienstag)
1. Katy Perry
2. Tokio Hotel
3. Wonder Girls
4. Orianthi
4. August (Mittwoch)
1. Kanye West
2. Diane Birch
3. July Black
5. August (Donnerstag)
1. Smashing Pumpkins
2. 30 Seconds to Mars
3. Ian Brown
Veranstaltungsort: Fort Canning Park
Datum: 3. August bis 5. August
Uhrzeit: Beginn 18 Uhr (Einlass 17 Uhr) [singapurische Zeit ~> deutscher Zeit: Beginn 12 Uhr (Einlass 11 Uhr)]
Um welche Uhrzeit Tokio Hotel auftreten, ist noch nicht bekannt!
A new date! Tokio Hotel will be performing at the SINGFEST-Festival on 3rd August 2010 in Singapore!
Here are more details:
Aug 3 (Tuesday)
1. Katy Perry
2. Tokio Hotel
3. Wonder Girls
4. Orianthi
August 4 (Wednesday)
1. Kanye West
2. Diane Birch
3. July Black
August 5 (Thursday)
1. Smashing Pumpkins
2. 30 Seconds to Mars
3. Ian Brown
Venue: Fort Canning Park
Dates: 3rd August to 5th August
Time: From 6 PM (Doors open at 5 PM) [Singapore Time ~> German Time: From 12 PM (Doors open at 11 AM)]
The exact time of the performance of Tokio Hotel is still not known!