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.:My Family:.

Enta & RockyBeke&MikeBekeBridgi

Indulás: 2008-03-28


Webmiss: Brigitta_v
Contacts: Site Tumblr Mail
Design: Brigitta_v
Version: Dreadlocks /v.17/
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This is just a fansite about the German band, about the Tokio Hotel. The webmiss hasn't got any contact with the band or the managements. 


Tokio Hotel – a nasty media campaign? As if

So much for media smear campaign- Tokio Hotel falls over their own fans…

Due to the release of “Humanoid City Live”, the CD and DVD of Tokio Hotel’s latest big tour, we asked, without any sense of guilt and admittedly without thinking much about it, if the Humanoid City Tour maybe has been a flop. And this question we got asked by many fans, with reason. To write Tokio Hotel off is idiotic, but it’s idiotic as well to allege “the media” a smear campaign. How did it come to questions about Tokio Hotel’s future?

Tokio Hotel was a sensation for a couple of years, correspondingly was reported about Tokio Hotel. There have always been blatant beasts, but the tenor was positive, and when the quartet even began to animate little girls in France to learn the german language, a patriotic-euphoric wave swashed through the german media scene. But with that it wasn’t enough: Tokio Hotel got famous in more and more countries, millions of CDs could be sold, between 2005 and 2007 it seemed that there weren’t any borders which could have remained closed for Tokio Hotel.

That’s the initial situation from which is made a judgement about Tokio Hotel’s further successes. There are – as always – trouble makers, but the band has achieved what they could achieve, even more, and that gets accepted. For a management such a band is a fortunate coincidence, of course, but such a hype, if it’s ended, is considered to be a quite difficult matter. From our perspective, the team of Tokio Hotel reacted clever and circumspectly, for example they didn’t simply threw another album on the market, the following album should at least satisfy the critics. So they took time and professionals in every field – even for the show of their world tour they booked with Jim Gable a star of the industry. When “Humanoid” was released in October 2009, the album brought the wanted result at first. The criticisms were – predominantly – extremely positive, even the chief editor of the culture pop magazine Spex aligned himself with Tokio Hotel, let the conversion into the adult pop industry through the nod, confirmed that everything was made rightly and predicted – what didn’t one predict all?

Also here wasn’t a media smear campaign, maybe a few “Mopperer” (sorry, I don’t even know what this word means in german xD I guess something like “trouble maker” :3), but they were not important. For a moment the hype about Tokio Hotel seemed to build on exactly there where the band had stopped a bit more of a year before, so to say a half eternity before. The hype lasted, until the first numbers of sales flied into the house. Tokio Hotel did lose fans, and the media, the mean media, had not got that, they still talked about yesterday’s hype and corrected their position quickly, maybe even overhasty. Next, they got messages from concert halls, which couldn’t get filled completely with fans anymore, while months before young women would have died of starvation and thirst for an autograph of Bill.

If you sight it like that, then Tokio Hotel was a flop indeed in the last time. At least a small one, admit it! And to even go one better: It was surprising that it’s Bill Kaulitz who didn’t live up to his role, but that’s a subjective perception of this story. He has an interesting style indeed and is a charismatic personage, but it was him, who was colorless in those gigantic structures and the stage show – in marked contrast to Tom, Georg and Gustav. The thing seemed too big for him, probably because of that he’s currently only in the media with some random crap. So, now you’re allowed beat us up once more!

Translation by Herzblut. @ THus


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