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.:The Elite:.

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.:My Family:.

Enta & RockyBeke&MikeBekeBridgi

Indulás: 2008-03-28


Webmiss: Brigitta_v
Contacts: Site Tumblr Mail
Design: Brigitta_v
Version: Dreadlocks /v.17/
Translations by:
BTK APP-screens: BKT Q&A

This is just a fansite about the German band, about the Tokio Hotel. The webmiss hasn't got any contact with the band or the managements. 


BRAVO #31/2010 - Germany - English translation

The Duel of the Glamour-Boys

Both boys have cool hairstyles, crazy outfits and star-power! But which singer rocks more?


Already at school Adam sings in the choir and in the school-jazz-band. After his graduation he played in musicals and plays. In 2009 he goes to the casting-show "American Idol" - he comes second! But he doesn't give up...

From a regular guy from the village of Loitsche to a worldstar. That's the beginning: With his twinbrother Tom (20) Bill made music as Black Questionmark. 2001 they met Gustav und Georg during a gig. They founded the band Tokio Hotel. 2003 Bill participated in star search, but was knocked out in the last 16...


...and finally he gets a record deal! His CD "For Your Entertainment" sells internationally about a million times. Until today he has won three awards, including the "Teen Choice Award".

...but the castingend was the beginning of a worldcarrier. Bill and his band sold worldwide 6 millionen CDs and won 45 (!) awards, among them are three golden BRAVO-Ottos and elven Comet-Awards.


He knows no limits in terms of styling! At parties he dresses as a woman - and on stage he wears flashy clothes and hats. His fans called him "Mister GaGa".

In private Bill mixes second hand clothes with expensive brand-name-clothes. On the stage and on the catwalk he likes it even more wilder. Shining space-outfits or crazy leather-outfits with feathers.

Body jewellery

On his right forearm he has two tattoos: the Eye of Horus (it's a symbol for protection from evil eyes) and an infinity sign. In addition, he has so-called "Flesh Tunnels" (stretched out earlobe piercings).

At the age of 15 Bill got his first tatoo, the TH-Logo in the neck. Then a star on his belly, a message on his lef forearm and his rips followed.
Bill has piercings too: one in his tounge, his nippel, his eye-brow and newly a septum.


Adam dyes his nature-blond hair: he usually has them in black. But he had already purple or green hair. He deals with his homosexuality very open.

Bill loves crazy haircuts: Manga, palmtree-look and dreads. Currently he has...indeed...the high-styled Lambert-Look.


At the American Movie Awards in Los Angeles he kissed his keyboarder on the stage. Currently he is single - but he has a crush on Bill : "He is my dream man!"

The TH-frontman is really lonely. Since five years he hasn't kissed a girl.
"I'm dreaming of my true love." At least he gets it from his family and his fans...


The trophy of the super-glamour-boy goes to...BILL! Since years the 20-year-old and his band turn in a true dream-carrier. The newcomer Labert is far away from this. out...with increased regularity he steals the fashion-icon Bill the show with his mega-stylish-outfits. And with his awesome voice Adam is able to become a worldstar like Bill too. Stay tuned...well, we would love to see a duet, guys!

Translation by tokiohotel-info


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