This is just a fansite about the German band, about the Tokio Hotel. The webmiss hasn't got any contact with the band or the managements.
.:NOW I\'M GONNA MAKE SOME NOISE:. - 13.08.2010 - Tom Kaulitz als Werbestar!
Beim Fotoshooting für seine Reebok-Kampagne erzählte Tokio-Hotel- Gitarrist Tom Kaulitz, warum bei ihnen im Tourbus Frauenverbot herrscht, was sie während der Tour zur Entspannung machen - und wie er seinen eigenen und den Klamotten-Stil seines Zwillings- bruders Bill beschreiben würde... Schau dir hier das Interview und den Clip zum Reebok-Shooting an!
Bill Kaulitz (20) hat es vorgemacht - er lief bereits für das Label Dsquared über dem Laufsteg und machte Werbung für eine Hotel-Reservierungs-Webseite. Aber jetzt zieht Tom nach - er ist das Gesicht der neuen Reebok-Kampagne!
Wir freuen uns, dass sich Tom für die Marke Reebok entschieden hat. Wir haben Tom als Menschen kennen gelernt, der alle Herausforderungen mit viel Spaß an der Sache angeht und sich nicht verbiegen lässt. Deshalb passt er sehr gut zu Reebok und unseren Produkten", erklärt Jeremy Bauer, Marketing Director Reebok Market Central. Tom selbst erklärt: "Mit Reebok habe ich eine Marke als Partner gefunden, die eine sehr vielfältige Produktbandbreite anbietet. So lässt mir Reebok viel Spielraum für individuellen Style, was mir als Künstler besonders wichtig ist."
(In den nächsten Wochen werden Teilnahmecodes für ein Gewinnspiel in ausgewählten Schuh-Modellen und auf versteckt. Die Finder erhalten dann die Möglichkeit, an einer Online-Verlosung teilzunehmen. Der/die Gewinner/in darf Tom Kaulitz zwei Tage auf Tour begleiten und ihn hautnah erleben: egal ob im Tourbus, beim Sound-Check, Backstage oder beim Konzert selbst etc. Für den Gewinner ist es eine komplette Ausnahme, denn auf dem Tourbus hatten wir noch nie jemand dabei. Der Tourbus ist normalerweise echt top secret", so Tom.)
Tom and women in Tourbus?
Tom: Actually, we have almost no rules in the band. Actually, we have just one and that’s a ban for girls on the tourbus. That means, that for the winner of the contest it’s an exception, I don’t think some stranger has ever been inside of the tourbus. No, we’ve made one shooting there, but other than that it’s top secret, we have two Tourbuses, that means the band is split up too, Georg and Gustav have one, me and Bill are in the second Tourbus. We have two big separate bedrooms, two big beds, I have my dogs with me for the first time this time, that means a person can be totally relaxed on the Tourbus. We watch movies, lay on the bed with the dogs ..
How does it look like on the Tourbus?
Tom: To be honest, I really like to spend time in the bus. I think it’s great! A person feels so at home there, it’s like a livingroom on wheels, this time we’ve also brought boxes of stuff like we were moving, we have everything with us, candles, decorations from home and we always decorate it there the way we like it. Me and Bill, we have like 20 suitcases, we have a big closet there and it’s really like at home. It’s really cubby. And when I am at home I also just watch TV, so about that, it’s not such a big difference. And we have a huge stage with us on tour, so a person is really thankful when he can lay in the tourbus after the show and chill.
Tom and women in the Tourbus? What to do against boredom?
Tom: I have to say that once in a while I try to trick Bill, we are on tour for 2 months and of course I can never be completely without women, that means I always try to secretly trick him, but a person shouldn’t see what happens there. But we have videogames, we can build some Twister and we play board games, there’s always something that we think of. And other than that, we have breaks on parking lots, we are on the road with 11 trucks, and 6 nightliners, so we always have like a gas station party.
Difference apartment/bus. What’s happening?
Tom: Waking up in the Tourbus isn’t always as amazing as it is at home. On tour we always film some kind of documentary for people to see how we live and it’s not that glamorous like everyone thinks it is, because we have a television on the bus, but it is still just a bus, a person sleeps there for two months, so about that, a person respects each other more, than he would do at home, because we’re already terribly grumpy in the morning. We can sleep like 24 hours, if I don’t set the alarm clock I’d sleep the whole day. And we don’t celebrate that much. Normally, a person likes to drink a bit or party, but on tour we never do that. In the bus we only have peppermint tea and ginger tea, so it’s more peaceful.
Bathroom in the bus?
Tom: Yeah, for the tour we let build a kind of bath trailer, of course only the band is allowed to use it. And uhm.. yeah, it’s kind of a trailer and there’s a jalousie on it, like a privacy shield and in it there’s a big shower, a tropical shower, and a sink, just everything you need, that thing is really great. We let build this extra for the tour, because on the bus there’s just a toilet where you’re not even allowed to do “big business”. That’s not so great, but we have an extra bath trailer this time and it will be great.
Preparations for the concert? Rules?
Tom: Directly before the concert.. well, it is that we do a soundcheck, which is actually moronic, because it sounds equally every time, ‘cause we have completely our own stuff with us, we have our own technique, our own stage, our own production.. and.. uhm.. our preparation consists of doing a soundcheck every time. This means that we always go into the venue, take a look how it will be this evening and play like one or two songs, just to get the feeling.. For the rest we’re only backstage and have interviews, and half an hour before, this is the golden rule, we’re all together in one room, and we’re just nervous together, nobody is allowed to disturb us or to come in. Then we all are just completely nervous.
Georg’s ritual
Tom: Georg, our bassist, always has to go to the toilet before the show, that’s very important, that he does “big business” before we go on stage, because that brings us luck. It has always been so, we probably have already played about 3000 concerts so far, and everytime he was on the toilet before, and this must be retained.
About what do you talk before a concert?
Tom: There are no specific topics, well, we talk just about everything. Most of the time we bitch about Georg, and are mad to each other, but actually we’re just being nervous together. Actually there’s a lot of bullshit which gets out. There shouldn’t be a camera then because we just talk crap.
Will the winner get the experience how a rockstar lives?
Tom: Yeah, of course.. well, I’m really looking forward to it because you get a glimpse of such a tour life. And this is, as I said, not how you imagine it to be. I always thought ‘Okay, such a tour life is completely relaxed. You play your songs in the evening, and apart from that it’s just “Halli Galli” [means like “it’s easy”] and you have a booze and there’s a party, and then you go backstage and there’s champagne and maybe a whirlpool, and everything’s great”, but the truth is, you go backstage and you see cold, grey walls and there’s not much going on. We have a little plate of sweets on the table, and.. uhm, yeah, I find it good that the people see how it really is on tour. But as a stranger you probably find it awesome first, because you’ve never been on tour. You see the bus and… I still can remember when I saw our bus for the first time I was totally impressed and I thought ‘This will be the bomb!’, but when you sleep in that thing for two months, and you do everything in this bus, then you don’t find it that awesome anymore. Uhm.. but I find it pretty good, you really get an impression of the whole thing.. and you really have a daily routine. It’s not that every day is completely different, actually the days are the same, you have a course, like you’d go to the office in the morning. You come to the venue in the morning, mostly without having showered, you do a soundcheck and so on, after that you have interviews, then you’re nervous together, then Georg goes to the toilet and then it’s the big show.
Tom: The people come in the venue, and then is the concert, you just take it how it is. You don’t know how much effort is behind. And I think it’s quite interesting to see how 150 people go into this venue in the morning, everyone with these helmets and build the stage at two ends of the venue. And then it’s the soundcheck, and the lightshow and so on. And it’s also quite interesting to see what hectic is there, when for example we go off the stage.
Tom: This time we take our dogs with us, that’s really awesome, we’ve never done that so far. This means that you can probably drive to a forest with the dogs and go for a walk or something. And besides that.. I’m actually a passionate driver, I’d find it cool, if I’d have my own car with me, but that would mean that I have to hire another person who drives my car behind the bus, and if I want to I can drive it myself once.. but there are really long distances we leave behind. On this tour we also drive 3 days non-stop in some cases, so we’re 3 days on the bus without making a break somewhere, because we have to drive for example from Moscow to.. uhm.. I don’t know where, and there are 3000 km on the plan or so. And with such busses it’s a really long distance.
I already drove our bus once! Am I even allowed to tell that? .. But on a private ground I even drove our bus once, on the terrain of the venue, so to say. Not that easy.
Style of your clothes / your own / in comparison to your brother
Tom: How would I describe it? There’s actually a general word.. to describe it.. well, “extremely good looking”, I would call it like that. No, with me it’s really that I need freedom, it has to look good, but above all I have to be able to move in it and it has to be relaxed. I’m not the type who wears extremely tight clothes, which are uncomfortable and so on, this looks really dumb. For example, my twin brother, really looks “bananas” how he runs around and he wears really tight clothes. And with me it’s that I have to feel well, yeah, I think that’s the most important thing. It has to look good and you have to feel well, just easy-going. I have to say that because of my bodily frame I always have to wear extremely wide pants.
Will we see Tom in a suit once?
Tom: In my life I already wore a suit once. At a special event, a private one. That looked extremely good, I have to say. I actually can wear what I want. But in my private time I have to feel well, in a suit it’s all really tight and I’m such an extremely muscular guy.. And.. such being the case, it’s really hard to even find something for me. If I can decide, then I always take something comfortable.
Marrying in a suit? How will it look? Which shoes?
Tom: I’d wear Reebok-shoes, with the suit. But I’d definitely have a white suit and white sneakers, I find this cool. I actually wore this at this private event, I wore a white suit and white sneakers, this looks really good. I mean, dress shoes and so on are not really my style, to be honest.
What about the stage outfits?
Tom: The difference on this tour is that we all have stage outfits. At the previous tours only Bill had a stage outfit.. or several stage outfits.. and I had every day a different outfit. You can imagine, it’s really complex when you gotta have always different outfits for 35 shows. Then you have to take about 20 bags only for the shows. And this time we all have outfits, extra for the stage, and they’re a bit more specific, they are matched to each other this time. The tour is called “Welcome to Humanoid City”, means that everything is more future-oriented. And I think Bill extremely stands out, my outfit is rather relaxed and a bit like I would also wear it in my private time. But yeah, it’s really a bit more future-oriented, more.. funky.
Shoe passion Sneaker!
Tom: It’s always important for me that I have the suitable sneakers to all the clothes I have. This means that I have them in all colors, with all shoelaces, all types of sneakers. I think I have.. I actually don’t know how much they are but they’re really a lot. We also made a kind of storeroom at home now, a kind of fundus, where you can go in, and for example when I wear a yellow shirt, then I have to wear yellow sneakers. I have a complete repertory, and I think I buy about 10 pairs of new shoes every week.
Sneakers because you can better run away from women?
Tom: No, not at all. I’m not even a fast runner, because of my low pants I can’t run fast. Uhm.. but no, that’s not the case at all. As I said, it’s always important to me that the colors match. And the others always laugh about me, because they all have only 5 pairs of shoes or so, and I have.. but my shoes always look new as well, this is also important to me, I hate it when they’re dirty or something. And I have them in all colors. And for example when there’s a red shoelace in the shoe, I have to find the color again somewhere in my outfit. There has to be uhm.. uhm.. red somewhere in my outfit then.
Why a shooting for Reebok?
Tom: For me it’s always important when I do such things, that it’s authentic and that I’m into it. And that’s like with the stage outfits, I would never wear or do something what I can’t represent personally. And with me it’s that I wear Reebok since I’m about.. two years old..and.. uhm.. so, this is always really important to me. And I think that about 80 % of my sneakers are from Reebok, I have them in all colors. They simply make awesome shoes. And I can totally represent it. That’s always the most important thing to me, I could never position myself somewhere and then, for example, advertise for dress shoes. That would a bit difficult with me.
Interviewer: I think nobody would buy this from you.
Tom: Yeah, yeah, probably not. But, I have to say, it would look good on me though. That’s just the case, everything looks good on me.
Do you have fun being a model? Difference to other shootings? This time alone?
Tom: Yeah, definitely. Here it’s really that you have to outspend yourself. Normally at photoshootings there are just one or two subjects, then you stand in front of the camera, and then jab jab, it’s in the box. But here you really have to outspend yourself, but it makes fun, definitely. And above all, I’m oing this alone, that’s way more uncomplicated than if I’d have these other three dudes with me. So, it’s really awesome. The photoshooting makes really fun, and it’s also a good team and something different, not these typical things. Here you can activate yourself sportily a bit.
Why does the new Reebok-campaign suit you?
Tom: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. It matches very well.. I also think that what we made here is a very good thing, this contest and so on, that the people can accompany us. And for us as a band, this contact to our fans is very important. It is very good, definitely. And also with our next tour, everything is a bit future-oriented, our album is called “Humanoid”, everything is very future-oriented. I think it matches very well, definitely.
If the winner will be female, could there become a little more out of it?
Tom: Well, I can’t exclude that. The thing is, in our band already two are taken, the bassist and the drummer. Bill is still solo, and I.. I actually have another girl every day. Well, this means, I can’t exclude it with me. It depends on what developes, if you’re on the same wave length. But I definitely can’t exclude it.
Music, lifestyle, art belong together?
Tom: We often get asked “How is it with your styling?” and so on “Did anyone give you that style?” and for us it has always been extremely important, that, no matter if it is Georg, if it is Gustav, it is me or if it’s Bill, we all are how we stand on stage, it’s 100 % us. Bill just looks so crazy because he wants to, nobody tells him to look like that. And so it’s with me, I would never let anyone tell me what I have to wear or something. So, I find what concerns the outfit, the styling, art and the music, everything has to belong together, because when you can’t represent what do you for 100 %, then it’s not authentic, that’s always been most important to us. And I think with music it’s like that, always when I listened to music and liked the artist, then I also want to like the personality of this guy and I want to know him and I want to like his style. Because of that you shoot music videos, because it simply belongs together. The personality, the styling, the music, I think this all interacts. If I find something crappy, then I wouldn’t be a fan of that anymore. Well, when I’m a fan of an artist or of his music, then I’m also a fan of his personality, I’m a fan of everything about the artist.