Tom Kaulitz tritt aus dem Schatten seines Zwillingsbruders Bill: Er ist das neue Gesicht der Sportmarke "Reebok"
Tom Kaulitz ist in Zukunft nicht mehr nur Gitarrist der Gruppe "Tokio Hotel", sondern auch Werbestar: Der 20-Jährige ist das neue Gesicht von "Reebok". Neben einer Kampagne mit dem Unternehmen wird es zusätzlich eine Promotion-Aktion geben, bei der Fans die Möglichkeit haben, Tom und den Rest der Band zwei Tage auf Tour zu begleiten.
"Für den Gewinner ist es eine komplette Ausnahme, denn unser Tourbus ist normalerweise echt top secret", sagt Tom Kaulitz in einer offiziellen Pressemitteilung zu der Aktion.
Während des Shootings für "Reebok" stand der Musiker zum ersten Mal ohne seine Bandkollegen von Tokio Hotel vor der Kamera. Vermisst hat er seinen Zwillingsbruder Bill, den Schlagzeuger Gustav und Bassist Georg aber anscheinend nicht: "Diesmal hatte ich endlich mal die Gelegenheit, gute Fotos zu machen, ohne auf die anderen Typen Rücksicht nehmen zu müssen – die sind ja eher weniger fotogen", scherzte Tom Kaulitz im Interview mit der Zeitschrift "Bravo".
Editor M made and arranged the interview in Malaysia.
This May came Tokio Hotel to Malaysia for a small concert and within three months they flew over once again for 2010 MTV Malasia World Stage, which made all the local fans so excited, many other fans in Asia all made their way here to see their shining idols! And this time MTV Taiwan was the only press in Taiwan that got to interview Tokio Hotel. The german instinct got not so well along with the difference in temperature in and outdoors here in tropical countries. Once in the press room claimed Bill immediately that it was so cold inner room and asked curiously, wouldn't people here often catch cold when the temperature difference is so great in Malaysia? With the fascinating charm conquering the whole world yet gentle and pleasant to be with, Tokio Hotel answered all the questions and shared their inward world generously with fans of MTV TW.
As the second visit to Malaysia, what for sepcial would you bring to fans this time?
Bill: We really look forward to this performace and we prepared some original stage setting and plot from Humanoid City Live, which would turn out really awesome experience!
You guys have any chance to meet up with other artists who also came for MTV Malaysia World Stage?
Tom: I met Kay Perry shortly, meaning almost 30 seconds.
You have to do worldwide promotion and must be questioned for thousands of times that why you would pick "Tokio" Hotel as your name, how does it feel, answering such monotonous record-like question? And does it ever lead to a change of the band name?
Bill: Right! This is exactly the first question we faced in the press conference today. To us it is always cherised when we go to a new place for promotion, we all treasure these opportunities, therefore we'd expect the journalists provide us more different questions, letting people know more about us. When the band name question reaches my ears it makes me kinda sad, don't you have others questions for us?
Tom: We haven't thought about getting a new name, otherwise we would have do play the whole routine again!
Is there any special lucky charm you guys must bring along to the stage?
Bill: I must carry along my own microphone, cuz it's super disgusting to share mircophones with other people.
Georg: I wear this belt everytime.
Has any fan tried to steal Georg's belt?
Tom: Never!
The octopus Paul is recently extraordinary popular in Germany, and if Paul and foretell something for you, what would you like to know?
Bill: Whoa this is a hard question, I really don't know... Maybe when would Tokio Hotel go to Tokyo. We plan to go there this year and I'd like to know Paul's point of view.
How do you think about Paul and do you guys have any other superstition?
Bill: At the very beginning I found Paul somewhat laughable, however it predicted correctly each time, I consider it pretty mysterious. I myself believe in a flood of mysteries, for example we all believe that the aliens exist, it is way too insane to conclude that we were the one and only being in the universe.
Do you believe the existence of the vampires?
Bill: Perhaps on other planets.
Imagine the aliens came to the earth to attend Tokio Hotel's concert, what would they say?
Tom: Amazing!
Bill: We really feel like performing on the other planets in front of the aliens.
Tom: We'd like to be the first band which perform in outer space, saying the moon or the Mars!
You are getting more and more successful internationally, would the future albums recorded both in German and English?
Bill: We are not so sure for now. Making english Albums were our own ideas for the reason that we hope more fans could come to the comprehension of our music.
Tom: However it means taking a much longer time to make an album, for all the songs would be recorded twince. If there were 50 songs, then we'd have to do it 100 times.
Bill: Exactly. And as a result two versions of lyrics have to be done.
You also write the English lyrics by your own?
Bill: Yes, meanwhile other people would give a hand sometimes.
Tom & Bill: This album is however different. Last one we had the German version first and then we tried to translate the lyrics one by one. And this time we did it parallelly, both German and English versions at the same time. To us this meant true challenge and it costed much effort and time.
Can you guys shared with us about the experiences of being international?
Bill: People may thought it was easy for us, yet the beginning was quite hard. When we paid the first visit to France no one knew who we were and nobody would like to interview a band from Germany, we could only give interviews to small presses. The start was truly arduous.
What's your following plan or aim?
Tom: Besides worldwide tour, it's a trip to the outer space playing a concert for the aliens.
You are highly admired and have numbers of crazy fans in Germany, how do you guys protect your private lives?
Bill: For Tom and me it is hardly possible. At any time there are paparazzis and fans out of our house, between which stand the wall and securites. It could be stated that we have little private life.
Georg: Comparatively speaking Gustav and me have little more privacy, but we still try not to catch attentions, when we for example go to see a long time released late show. But for Bill und Tom it's fairly tough.
What do you do when you have breaks and vacations?
Gustav: No idea cuz we haven't had a vacation for a long time! (all watched toward their manager and the manager laughed awkwardly)
Bill: When it is possilbe Tom and me would look for a island with rare people there to take a break, however even if we did so, it is hardly possible to get rid of the paparazzis. We can only try as hard to get used to their exsitence.
Tom: We work almost the whole year everywhere, and I have the flights, so that I want to stay at home when I have a break.
If there was no surrounding of paparazzis and crazy fans, which kind of leisure activities would you like to do?
Bill: If no paparazzis and crazy fans... mostly I'd like to do what the ordinary people do, like going to the theme park, some thing like that, to enjoy some normal life.
Színpadról a fotóstúdióba! A BRAVO elkísérte a Tokio Hotel gitárosát, Tomot elsõ munkájára reklám sztárként!
Ugrál. Fellép. Zuhan. 100%-ot nyújt. Tom Kaulitz (20) a reflektorfényben - mint oly gyakran. De... hol van Bill (20), Gustav (21) és Georg (23)? Miért van egyedül a Tokio Hotel gitárosa a fotózáson? Egyszerû: Tom most igazi modell - a Reebok Classic sportcipõihez.
A BRAVO ott volt az elsõ divat fotózásán és feltûnt: Szokatlan volt a 20 éves zenész számára, hogy társai nélkül áll a kamera elõtt: "Ez volt az elsõ fotózás, amelyet teljesen egyedül csináltam. Megszoktam, hogy négyen egy csapatként vagyunk vagy, hogy a testvérem, Bill ott van velem", mondja és viccelõdni kezd: "Végre lehetõségem volt rá, hogy a fotós jó képeket csináljon rólam anélkül, hogy mind a négyünkre figyelnie kellene - õk nem olyan fotogének, mint én."
Tom hangosan nevet - és újra komollyá válik. A gitárosnak erõsen kell koncentrálnia miközben a Daily Cube Stúdióban dolgoznak Hamburgban. "Az ugrások, a fellépés - fizikailag ez volt a legnehezebb fotózás, amelyet valaha is csináltam."
És most? Vajon a szuper iker el tudja képzelni, hogy gyakrabban modellkedjen? "Csak olyan dolgokat reklámoznék, amelyek tetszenek, vagy amelyben meglátom önmagam. Mindig is így döntöttem - ezért vesztettem már el rengeteg olyan lehetõséget, amellyel több pénzt kereshettem volna..."
1. oldal:
- Egy - Kettõ - Három: Gyerünk! Tomnak a fotós utasítására kell ugrania - és egyidejûleg szuper arckifejezést is kell vágnia!
- Csoportos megbeszélés: Az egész stáb megnézi, hogyan sikerültek az elsõ fotók!
- A Tokio Hotel sztárja imádja a sportcipõket. Ezért is fogadta el ezt a munkát. "Otthon kb. 300 pár cipõm van."
A zenész számára könnyû a pózolás "Pózolásba nagyon tehetséges vagyok", mondja Tom szemtelenül.
- Példaképe: ikertestvére, Bill.
- Ikertestvére, Bill ott volt januárban a DSquared2 kifutóján fekete angyalként a milánói divathéten. Az énekes nemrégiben a HRS-nek állt modellt. A fotó egész Németországban megtalálható hatalmas méretû plakátként.
- Tom testvére reakciójáról: "Bill semmit sem mondott, de persze irigykedett a Reebok munka miatt."
2. oldal:
- Tom széttárt karokkal zuhan egy dobozra. A matracon landol.
- A fotós Rasmus Kaessman megmutatja Tomnak a végeredményt a monitoron.
- A végsõ plakáton úgy tûnik, hogy a Tokio Hotel sztárja repül.
Topm-Model From the Stage into the Photostudio! BRAVO accompanied Tokio Hotel Guitarist Tom at his first Job as a Model!
He jumps. He performs. He lets himself fall down. He’s giving 100%. Tom Kaulitz (20) in the spotlight – like so often. But…where are Bill (20), Gustav (21) and Georg (23)? Why is the Tokio Hotel Guitarist alone at a Shooting? It’s simple: Tom is now a real Model – for Sneakers of the brand Reebok Classic.
BRAVO was at the first Fashion-Appearance of the 20 year old and noticed: It was strange for the musician to stand in front of the camera without his Band Colleagues: “This Shooting was the first one I did completely alone. I’m used to us being a group of four, or having my brother Bill with me” he says, and starts joking:
“Finally I had the chance to let the photographer take good photos of me without taking the other four into account – they aren’t as photogenic as me.” Tom laughs loudly – and turns serious again. The guitarist has to be highly concentrated while working in the Daily Cube Studio in Hamburg.
“The jumps, performing – that was the physically most challenging Shooting I ever had to do.” And now? Can the Super-Twin imagine to model more often? “I would only advertise for things I like or where I can see myself in. That was always my resolution – that’s why I already missed a lot of opportunities to make more money…”
Pictures Scan #1:
• One – Two – Three – Go! Tom has to jump on command of the Photographer – and simultaneously has to make a cool facial expression!
• Team-Meeting: The whole Crew checks how the first Photos turned out!
• The TH-Star loves Sneakers. That’s why he accepted the Job. “At home I have about 300 pairs of Shoes.”
• Posing is easy for the musician “I’m a multi-talent when it comes to posing”, Tom says cheekily.
• His role-model: Twin-Brother Bill
• Twin-Brother Bill was on the catwalk for the the label DSquared2 in January as a Black Angel at Milan Fashion Week. The singer recently modeled for HRS. This picture could be found all over Germany as an XXL-Poster.
• Tom about the reaction of his brother: “Bill didn’t say anything, but of course he was jealous of the Reebok-Job” Pictures Scan #2:
• Tom plunges off a box with his arms spread. He lands on a mattress.
• Photographer Rasmus Kaessmann shows Tom the results on the screen.
• On the finished Poster it looks like the TH-Star is flying.
Top 10 Hottest Brothers of the Planet
#1 The Kaulitz
In very first place are the handsome Bill and Tom, members of the famous group Tokio Hotel.
Bill is the vocalist and image (face) of the band. He's 20 years old and as a distinctive characteristic we'd say he has perfect features, which he accentuates with makeup. He was born September 1st of 1989 in Germany and is the youngest of the twins, he arrived to this world 10 minutes after Tom. Bill has no girlfriend, but has confessed he is in search of his other half. The only thing he asks for is a girl to be spontaneous, have nice appearance, pretty skin, perfect hands and nails.
Tom is the guitarist and even though he is the oldest twin, he is shorter than Bill by six centimeters, he's only 1.82 (m) tall. Both are so close, that they even admit they don't have to say anything to know what the other thinks. Although, Tom is a bit more restless when it comes to girls, and has been linked to the gorgeous Chantelle Paige.
A German forum user just wrote she's got a reply from Reebok:
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Tokio Hotel Contest. Please be advised that the competition will not be expanding to Europe, and will only be open to those in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
The pop singer and Tokio Hotel charmed and delivered but the Wonder Girls disappointed.
OF THE music festival's line-up over the three days, Tuesday's certainly takes the cake for being the most international. There was saucy Katy Perry from California, pop rock band Tokio Hotel from Germany and pop group Wonder Girls from South Korea.
Not every act left a good taste in the mouth, though. After local singer Inch Chua, alternative rock band The Like and singer-songwriter Orianthi from Down Under warmed up the crowd, the five Girls came on around 8.30pm in an assortment of short dresses. They proceeded to underwhelm with their singing which sounded rather shrill and ragged.
They were also dwarfed by the size of the stage and could easily have done with another, say, five back-up dancers. Or perhaps they could have a live band instead of singing to a minus-one track as if this were a karaoke session.
When they disappeared for a costume change, a music video of theirs played on the screens. It was not a good sign that they sounded considerably better then.
Reappearing in matching denim outfits, they urged the crowd to sing along for Tell Me before ending with their big hit, Nobody. Their moves were smoothest here, but then again, they have been doing the same routine to this track for two years now so they certainly have had plenty of practice.
Tokio Hotel were up next and while some might dismiss them as goth-lite, they definitely got the crowd going. Next to them, the Wonder Girls seemed like rank amateurs.
In his all-black get-up, lead singer Bill Kaulitz looked like a tall and gangly dark angel with out-of-control shoulder pads. The boys revved things up with their radio-friendly brand of pop-rock and even hauled a motorcycle onstage.
They also knew how to turn up the drama, so Darkside of the Sun came complete with jets of flames.
(the rest is about Katy Perry)
Vox Pops
Germane D'Rozario, 20, student - I liked Tokio Hotel and Katy Perry. They really made an effort to make their performance mind-blowing. It was really good to see Orianthi perform for the first time. Wonder Girls were disappointing, though. I expected more from them.
Ahmad Kahar, 32, advertising executive - I thought it was very well organized. The acts were very cool. And even though I'm not an emo guy, I ended up falling in love with Tokio Hotel.
Kaylee Sia, 22, banker - I thought it was pretty good. The sound system was awesome. I liked that Katy Perry invited the audience to dance with her. Tokio Hotel put in a lot of effort for the visual effects. Overall, it was worth the money I spent.
Raymond Chia, 34, fund manager - I think Tokio Hotel's performance was the best. The tightness of the band, their showmanship, and how they came back for an encore were all very commendable. The first few bands were not very good, though it makes sense that they would save the best for last.
Tom Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel behind the scenes , one very real and genuine experience - we are making it possible! Take part in this simple competition and with some luck you are there!
The winner will go exclusevly in November with Tom Kaulitz and Tokio Hotel on tour and experience it in first hand: in tourbus, on sound-check,backstage or by the concert itself..
other prizes:
1 exklusive Reebok/Tokio Hotel Hoodie
3 Reebok sneakers signed by Tom
Just tell us till 19. September: Where come the name of Reebok?
Good luck!
Translation by Mrs. Mia Kaulitz
Reeconnect - Találkozhatsz Tom Kalitzcal!
Tom Kaulitz a Tokio Hotelből a színfalak mögött, teljes valóban és hamisitatlanul átélheted - ezt tesszük lehetővé! Egyszerűen vegyél részt a nyereményjátékban és egy kis szerencsével ott lehetsz!
A nyertes novemberben exkluzívan Tom Kaulitzcal és a Tokio Hotellel turnézni megy és testközelből átélheti: mindegy, hogy a turnébuszban, a soundchecken, a backstageben vagy a koncerten...
További nyeremény:
1 exkluzív Reebok/Tokio Hotel kapucnis felső
3 pár Tom által aláírt Reebok cipő
Csak szeptemben 19.-ig mond meg nekünk: Honnan származik a Reebok neve?
Tom Kaulitz von Tokio Hotel hinter den Kulissen ganz in echt und ganz unverfälscht erleben - wir machen es möglich! Nimm hier einfach am Gewinnspiel teil und mit etwas Glück bist du dabei!
Der Gewinner wird exklusiv im November mit Tom Kaulitz und Tokio Hotel auf Tour gehen und ihn hautnah erleben: egal ob im Tourbus, beim Sound-Check, Backstage oder beim Konzert selbst …
Weitere Gewinne:
1 exklusiven Reebok/Tokio Hotel Hoodie
3 Paar von Tom signierte Reebok Schuhe
Sag uns nur bis zum 19. September: Woher stammt der Name Reebok?
Sajnálom, hogy csak most hozok részt, de újabban nemsok időm van. Nyár van, augusztus ráadásul, ilyenkor mindenki tele van programmal. De itt vannak a részek /3-at is hoztam mind a kettőből/ és várjuk a véleményeket. A részek végén is tudtok komikat írni, ha a chat-be nem szeretnétek /bár sztem ott egyszerűbb/.
On the Facebook and Twitter of The Japanese Universal Music published that they met Tokio Hotel in Singapore and they agreed upon the Japanese promotion!
A japán Universal Music Facebookján valamint Twitterén közzé tette, hogy Szingapúrban találkoztak a Tokio Hotellel és megállapodtak a japán promócióról!