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.:My Family:.

Enta & RockyBeke&MikeBekeBridgi

Indulás: 2008-03-28


Webmiss: Brigitta_v
Contacts: Site Tumblr Mail
Design: Brigitta_v
Version: Dreadlocks /v.17/
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BTK APP-screens: BKT Q&A

This is just a fansite about the German band, about the Tokio Hotel. The webmiss hasn't got any contact with the band or the managements. 


ZDF Leute Heute- Saturn advert 22.10.2010



By the way Halloween
Exactly to the spooky party an electronic-company hired Old-Grufti Alice Cooper and Young-Grufti Bill Kaulitz as their new advertising-dream-couple. Almost a bit like father and son. Hopefully the customers don't scram.

Translation by tokiohotel-info

Bill Kaulitz & Alice Cooper in Saturn commercial

Download (.avi)

Alice: "Who are you?"
Bill: "I am Bill Kaulitz."
"Anyone can say that!"
Bill: "Watch!" *door opens, all girls start screaming*
Alice: "I can do that too!" *door opens, old guys start screaming*
"It's just a question of technology."




Bill Kaulitz & Alice Cooper in Saturn advertisement - HQ What a weird monster rock round!


Milyen fura szörny-rocker társaság

Az énekes Bill Kaulitz (21) a Tokio Hotelből szemmel láthatóan jól érzi magát a három vad stílusú földönkívüli és az öreg rocker, Alice Cooper (62) mellett a bárpultnál egy ijesztő világűri bárban.

Teljesen bőrbe öltözött, tornyozott frizurát és ezüstláncokat viselt, és egy kék színű ital volt előtte. És feltesszük magunknak a kérdést: Valójában ki is itt a földönkívüli?

A fotó a "Saturn" elektronikai lánc új kampányának része a következő karácsonyi vásárra.

Teljesen az új kampánymottó szerint "Jetzt rockt's richtig" (Most igazán ütős lesz)  a fiatal rocker Kaulitz meglátogatja a rock legenda Coopert ebben a világűri bárban.

A zene nemzedékek találkozása: irónikus, vicces! Cooper és Kaulitz nem hagyja ki a reklámokban a rocksztár kliséket.

A Tokio Hotel producere és menedzsere David Jost ezt nyilatkozta a " A kampány tv reklámai és fotói nemrég egy los angelesi filmstúdióban készültek. A földönkívüliek és a díszlet külön ehhez a reklámhoz lettek megtervezve és felépítve."

Továbbá az év végéig reklámoz az énekes TV- és rádió reklámokban, újsághírdetéseken, plakátokon és az interneten. Pontosan egy évvel ezelőtt mutatta be a "Saturn" Alice Coopert először új reklámarcként.


Singer Bill Kaulitz (21) from “Tokio Hotel” seems to feel comfortable next to the three wildly styled aliens and old-rocker Alice Cooper, at the counter of a dim space bar. He’s clad totally in leather, wears a towering hairstyle and silver chains, and has a blue colored drink in front of him. And we ask ourselves: who here is actually the extraterrestrial?

The photo is part of a new advertising campaign for electronics chain “Saturn” for the coming Christmas business.

Totally after the new campaign motto, “Now it’s really rocking!” the young rocker Kaulitz visits the rock legend Cooper in his space bar.

The meeting of the music generations: self-ironic, witty! Cooper and Kaulitz leave no rockstar cliche out of the spots.

Tokio Hotel producer and manager David Jost to “The TV spots and photos for this campaign were produced recently in a film studio in Los Angeles. The aliens and the set were developed and built specially for this ad spot.”

Until the end of the year, the singers will advertise additionally to the TV and radio spots on magazine ads, billboards and in the Internet. Exactly one year ago Saturn presented Alice Cooper for the first time as its new advertising face.

Translation by Vnlasteamer


Season campaign of Saturn "rocks": Rocklegend Alice Cooper meets rockstar Bill Kaulitz

Under the new campaign slogan "Now it really rocks!" Saturn will show for their Christmas advertising campaign," Rock" in the truest sense of the word. Because now the rock legend Alice Cooper-Young recieve support from the Rock Star Bill Kaulitz! The Tokio Hotel frontman visited Alice Cooper in his space bar.

During this great meeting of musical generations, Kaulitz and Cooper deliver with a remarkably large amount of self-irony more than only entertaining TV and radio spots, in which it guarantees no rock star cliché will be untouched.

Till the end of the year the singers will promote in the large-scale campaign, in addition to the TV and radio commercials , also print ads, billboards, online and the point of sale for Saturn.

Exactly one year ago, the electronics-company Saturn presented Alice Cooper as a new face for the first time. As a bartender in his space-bar, he expierences with his alien regular guests , in form of three kinds of sympathetic aliens, funny stories. With the Rock Star Bill Kaulitz, lead singer of Germany's internationally most successful rock band, the veteran of Rock has now a colleague of the younger generation by his side. The commercials play mercilessly with stereotypes about the two artists, where the two superstars show a real dose of self-irony, which definitely deserves recognition. In the end, each of these exciting episodes will be solved appropriately with "It's all a question of technology!" And also Saturn promise again"dead-drunk-cheap" prices for christimas.

The 21-year-old Bill Kaulitz became famous with his band Tokio Hotel in 2005 and since then they celebrated impressive international success. The group won an incredible 58 times platinum, 88 times gold and is with a total of 89 national and international awards truely a record.

Among other things, Tokio Hotel won three times the MTV European Music Awards (including Best Band and Best Headliner). Eleven times the coveted comets, Bambi, echoes and on top even the usaly almost unattainable U.S. MTV Video Music Award for Best New Artist U.S. At the MTV Latin Awards in South America, Tokio Hotel were even able to take four awards at once at home.

Bill's counterpart in the Saturn campaign is the American rock musician Alice Cooper, who has already been running successfully for saturn in late 2009. The 62-year-old was internationally known in the early seventies with the song "School's Out" His other big hits include among other the song "Poison" from the year 1989.

For the development and implementation of the campaign season is again the agency Scholz & Friends in Berlin responsible. The production was made by Markenfilm Hamburg.
Translation by

Source Kaulitz & Cooper as double pack

At the rigt time for Halloween shock-rocker Alice Cooper gets prominent support as advertising medium: Tokio Hotel star Bill Kaulitz becomes the second advertising face for a big German electro-company.

Kaulitz-manager David Jost confirmed at Friday the engagement of the 21-years old for the christmas sales: "A large advertising-campaign with Bill Kaulitz and Alice Cooper will begin for SATURN this weekend." The tv-spots and pictures for the campaign are already produced in a filmstudio in Los Angeles.
The 62-years old Cooper advertises already for a while for the electro-company.



Translation by janasternenreise Bill Kaulitz és Alice Cooper együtt reklámoznak

Berlin- A sokkoló rocker, Alice Cooper pont Halloweenkor reklámoz ismét az elektronikai óriás Saturnnak. Ehhez egy híres segítőt is kap: Bill Kaulitzot a Tokio Hotelből.

Pontosan Halloweenkor a sokkoló rocker, Alice Cooper (62) egy híres kisegítő reklámembert is kap: A Tokio Hotel sztárja Bill Kaulitz (21) lesz a második reklámarca a német elektronikai nagyáruháznak.

Kaulitz menedzsere, David Jost pénteken erősítette meg a szerződést a karácsonyi üzlethez: "Ezen a hétvégén egy óriási Saturn reklámkampány fog indulni Bill Kaulitz-cal és Alice Cooperrel."

A TV reklámok és a fotók a kampányhoz egy los angelesi filmstúdióban lettek felvéve.




Bill Kaulitz & Alice Cooper in Saturn advertisement

Source: #1 #2

Zona Joven #111 - Peru

No, you're not dreaming. Tokio Hotel will be in Lima next november 25th. You're not hallucinating. Your magazine, Zona Joven, had an interview with the twins, Bill & Tom Kaulitz, to talk about this concert. In this issue you will find their answers as well as the "Desafío Tokio" (Tokio Challenge), a challenge in which we put the fans into a competition for wining a preference entrance to the show.

Although we had insistent requests to publish a special TH supplement, he thought it would be more convenient to publish their interview and save the supplement for another time. We have to remind you that our challenge counts with a small quantity of tickets to win, that of course are not enough the enormous existing demand; that's why we recommend not to risk your assistance to this expected video and buy your entrance at Teleticket. Remember that raising hopes only on the contest it's not recommendable, this are always tied to chance.

We had always asked us how peruvian fans would react if they would be able to see Bill, Tom, Georg, & Gustav in person. We've only seen them screaming, singing and even crying with their videos, hearing their song or seeing their photos. But this story will have a radical change soon, this fandom will enjoy the experience of their lives when the german band performs this November 25th at the Jockey club. The best of all is that the very same TH guys share the anxiety abut performing in Lima, as Bill & Tom Kaulitz confirmed on a telephonic interview that now we share with you...

ZJ: You peruvian fan club is the biggest of Latin America (more than 13,000 members) and they are always doing fan actions, tribute concerts, celebrate your birthdays and share the videos on the internet. What do you think of that? have you seen those videos?
Bill: We always see the videos that our fans all over the world put on the internet. In the case of Peru we are very excited because it's the first time we will be there and we want, finally, meet our peruvian fans. It's almost the same feeling that we had on our first tour in USA, it was very exciting having contact with the american fans, everything went ok and we are sure it would be the same in Peru.

Tom: It's exciting to see the things that fans are capable of and that the people is very happy about us going there. For us it's also a pleasure, since long ago we are wanting to play in Latin America.

Bill: And now we are doing it for the first time. I'm anxious about this very first magical moment in which we will meet our fans. Much more counting the positive reactions that we are having before the journey.

ZJ: This tour's concerts have a very futuristic style. How you got to that? Do you received any influence of other bands that had done something similar?

Bill: The "Humanoid" album picks up some elements of the science fiction and there comes the inspiration for the shows: our stage, the outfits that we use, etc. We've got inspiration on everything that is extraterrestrial, what's not from this world. That's the idea and the feeling that we want to share… There are plenty of things that we were wanting to do on stage and that this time we are able to. But basically, Welcome to Humanoid City's concept is an own inspiration, totally ours, that comes from us when we wrote the songs.

ZJ: From what you got inspired?
Bill: When you write a lot of images come to your mind, you imagine thing. it's like the small cinema of the imagination. We worked really hard to put all this ideas into practice for this tour, from the musical point of view as well as what we wanted to do on stage. For example, the guys are playing instrument that normally they don't play… There's a lot of work and practice in between, but luckily we're very pleased with the result.

ZJ: You fans from here love all the elements of your new tour. Is that what we can expect from your show here?
Tom: some things are difficult to put on a plane and go. But definitely we are assembling a proper stage for the "Humanoid City". We are taking with us the special effects, the fireworks and the outfits full of electric wires.

ZJ: Some of your fans from Colombia, Ecuador and Argentina are coming to Lima to see you. Could you extend your show thinking on all the people that is coming?
Bill: We would love to say hi and welcome all this fans that are coming from other countries to see us in Lima, it's a pleasure that they do that, its fantastic see all the support they give us. It's very characteristic from our fans to say: "Ok, well, now we travel to another country to follow Tokio Hotel."

Tom: Don't be afraid. The show in Lima it's going to be spectacular for sure.

ZJ: All of you had changed your looks. Starting with you Bill. Are you more comfortable like this? Does it takes less time to prepare for a show?
Bill: Well, yeah. I have a new look with shorter hair, maybe in that sense I spend less time preparing myself. But I also have all this outfits with sorts of filigrees. There are lots of outfit changes for me in the show, and are clothes that shine and have huge batteries for them to turn on during it. Preparing all that requires lots of time, but I enjoy doing it.

ZJ: And you have like a ritual before the shows?
Bill: Yes, there's a ritual that we always do before going on stage, and that is that Georg goes to the bathroom and makes his business (lots of laughs) Somehow that's what brings us luck in each performance (laughs)...

ZJ: Some of the bands that visit our country go out to a disco or just to look the city after their shows. Are you thinking to do the same?
Tom: We try to see the cities that we visit, but sometimes we are not aloud because of the time. We hope to have the opportunity to do it in Lima.

Bill: Of course we're gonna try to see something. I have to admit that during the tour we have to be very disciplined because of our tight schedule, we don't have a lot of time, but definitely if we have a chance we will try to see something.

ZJ: maybe you don't want to expose to much? Having in count the problems that you had with stalkers?
Bill: I guess that we do have had some bad experiences with stalkers in the past. There was also an incident with Gustav in a disco. But we are not worried thinking that something bad is going to happened if we go out. We are calm and we don't think that there would be any Stalker.

ZJ: The permanent question for you fans here is: There would be a Meet & Greet with Tokio Hotel in Peru? It's possible for you to put pressure on the producers to make it happen?
Bill: (laughs) The truth is that we do make Meet & Greets, but only if the time before the shows allows us to. This is organized by the commercial partners and the media. It's still a little early to say what's gonna happen, but we hope that the production can make a contest or something so the winners can have a M&G with us.

ZJ: So, you are on the mood to do it...
Tom: Sure! besides, the fans are the ones who had taken us to where we are now and it's a pleasure to spend time with them. We always sing them something or take some photos. Although as any other person we also have days when are moods are a little down or we are busy with the job.

Bill: But we will never be rude with a fan. We love them so much because they support us and they're always transferring us energy.

ZJ: You are competing in the same MTV EMA's category with Muse, 30STM, Green Day and Katy Perry. What do you thing about your musical rivals? For you, who is the most difficult rival?
Tom: About the EMA we have to say that we have the best fans on the world, or fans are excellent...and winning this nomination depends on the fan's votes. I'm pretty sure that we will receive a lot of support form our fanclubs all around the world . They've never abandoned us, so we trust that we are going to defeat the other nominees. Even when the competition is very strong.

ZJ: What would you say to your peruvian fans?
Bill: We can't wait the day we play for the first time in Peru, we want to see all of you that night. And we want to say hi to al the people of the magazine. Thank you very much.

Translation by Ximena

Diario 16 Peru – 17.10.10

BRAVO WebTV 21.10.10 - Win Reebok Shoes signed by Tom Kaulitz

MTV EMA: Best of Madrid - Find out what makes Tokio Hotel love the EMAs

Notas Para Ti #239 - From A to Z with Tokio Hotel

Tanuld meg a Tokio Hotel ábécét!
A: Automatic, World behind my wall, és a Darkside of the Sun egyike azoknak a daloknak, amiket elő fognak adni a srácok.
B: Bill rabja a Louis Vuitton táskáknak. Nem tudtad eddig?
C: Chile-t első alkalommal fogja meglátogatni a Tokio Hotel 2010-ben.
D: Don’t Phunk with my hearth a Black Eyes Peas-től. Georg Listing ( a Tokio Hotel basszus gitárosa) kedvenc száma, naphosszat csak ezt hallgatja.
E: Bonyolult és hihetetlenül fárasztó körül utazni a világot, de az álmaikat élik, megismerik és leigázzák a világot!
F: Őszintén bevallották, hogy féltékenyek Georg-ra, hisz neki van a bandából egyedül barátnője.
G: Georg az egyetlen a bandából akinek piercingje, és tetoválása sincs, semmi komoly.
H: Humanoid 2010 a hivatalos neve annak a turnénak, ami ez év februárjában indult Luxemburgból, és ami hálát adva, Mexico-ba is el fog érkezni.
I: Csodálatosak Bill öltözékei.
J: Esküszünk, hogy Ők fogják megnyerni a Best World Stage Performance kategóriában a díjat az MTV European Music Awards 2010-en. Sok szerencsét!
K: A Kaulitz testvérek hamarosan Los Angeles-be fognak költözni, még is megtartják a németországi házukat.
L: Gustav Schafer azt szeretné, ha ő vezethetné a bandát.
M: Kezek és szemek, ezek az első dolgok amiket Bill észre vesz egy lányon, milyen édes!
N: November lesz a legboldogabb hónap a Peru-iak számára, hisz a Tokio Hotel 25-én ott fog fellépni.
O: Oslo, Prága, Brüsszel, Párizs, Milánó, Madrid, Berlin és Moszkva azok a helyek amiket a banda már meglátogatott. Hihetetlen számukra!
P: Pirotechnika, és 12 méter magas díszletek! Részese leszel ennek a látványos shownak az elkövetkezendő turnén.
Q: Boldogok vagyunk, hogy az Echo díjjal a bandát Németország leghíresebb bandájának tekintik.
R: Szegény Tom-nak csak rövid idejű kapcsolatai voltak. Kapcsolatok, amikbe belefáradt, és bevallotta, hogy hosszú távú kapcsolatokkal lenne megelégedve.
S: Schrei, az első 2005-ös daluk, játszani is fogják a koncerteken, hát nem szeretitek?
T: Tom Kaulitz kijelentette, hogy van egy pár intim piercingje, milyen fájdalmas!
U: Egy híres olasz kiadvány a címlapra tette őket, jó képűen pózoltak, perfekt 10!
V: A Tokio Hotel December 2-án a Palacio de los Deportes-ben fog fellépni, este 8:30-kor, menj és szerezd meg a jegyeket!
W: a hivatalos weboldal, ahol abszolút mindent megtudhatsz róluk.
X: A tagok átélhették az X- tradicionális pillanatokat itt Mexico-ban, és beismerték, hogy imádják az országunkat.
Y: Majdnem kész az ábécénk, de mielőtt végeznénk, még elmondjuk, hogy Gustav Schafer a legcsendesebb mind annyijuk közül, sosem szólal meg az interjúk alatt.
Z: Zimmer 483, 2007-es év legjobb száma, szintén játszani fogják, amíg üvöltenek a fanok.  

Learn Tokio Hotel's Alphabet
Study the alphabet of Tokio Hotel to apply yourself and keep an eye on these hotties!

Automatic, World Behind My Wall, Monsoon, and Darkside of the Sun are some of the songs they will perform at their concert.
Bill is addicted to Louis Vuitton bags, you didn't know that, right?
Chile is one of the places the band will visit for the first time in 2010.
Don't Phunk with my Heart by the Black Eyed Peas is Georg Listing's (Tokio's bassist) favorite song, he listens to it all day!
Es (It) is difficult and super tiring to travel around the world, but they are fulfilling their dream, meeting it (the world) and conquering it!
Fueron (they were) honest at confessing that Georg is the most envied by the band for having a girlfriend.
Georg is the only member of the band that does not have piercings, nor tattoos, so serious!
Humanoid City 2010 is the official name of the tour that began in Luxembourg in February of this year and thanks to which they will arrive in Mexico!
Incredible (unreadable text, but I think they are referring to Bill's outfits, and how incredible they were)
Juramos (we swear) they will win the award for Best World Stage Performance at the MTV European Music Awards 2010, good luck!
Kaulitz, these brothers will move very soon to Los Angeles, even though they will keep their house in Germany.
L: Gustav Schafer wishes to lead the band.
Manos (Hands) and eyes, are the first things the handsome Bill notices in a girl, he's a sweetheart!
November will be the happiest month for Peru, because Tokio Hotel will be there on the 25.
Oslo, Prague, Brussels, Paris, Milan, Madrid, Berlin, and Moscow are the places they have already visited, it's been incredible for them!
Pyrotechnics and giant screens of 12 meters, you'll be able to see at the spectacular show of their upcoming concert.
Que gusto (so happy) to know the Echo Awards consider them Germany's most famous newcomer group.
Poor Tom has only had short-term. Relationships, and he's tired of it; he confessed he's no longer pleased.
Schrei, their first hit of 2005, will be one of the songs they will play in concert, don't you love it?
Tom Kaulitz revealed that he has a pair of piercings in his private parts, how painful!
Una (a) famous Italian publication placed them on the cover where they posed so handsome, perfect 10!
Veremos (we'll see) Tokio Hotel this December 2nd at the Palacio de los Deportes, at 8:30pm, go get your tickets! is the official webpage where you will find absolutely everything about them.
The members have lived X- traordinary moments in Mexico and they admit that they are in love with our country!
Ya casi (we are almost) done with our alphabet, but before we do, we'll tell you that Gustav Schäfer is the quietest of them all, he never talks during interviews!
Zimmer 483, their great song of 2007, they will also play it since the fans scream for it!

Last page: FREE Terror Special
Celebrity scary stories, Love Spells, Gruesome recipes and much more...

Translation by Vee


Win a poster signed by Tokio Hotel!

PlanetEvents Madrid Do you want win a poster signed by TOKIO HOTEL?? Not wait and write in our facebook your best experience with the band and the most "I like" have will win! You have until 25 october 12h for enter in the contest!


Tokio Hotel’s Latin America Shows Confirmed!!

Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg have confirmed their very first Latin America concert run! The guys will play a total of five LIVE shows, starting on November 23th, 2010 in Brazil. The big finale will take place at „Sports Palace“ in Mexico City, on December 2nd, 2010. Tokio Hotel are excited to take their Latin American fans on a journey to „HUMANOID CITY“. These are the dates where you can enjoy the fantastic LIVE show:

Tuesday, November 23, SAO PAULO [BRAZIL] – Location: Via Funchal | >TICKETS
Thursday, November 25,  LIMA [PERU] – Location: Jockey Club Del Peru |
Sunday, November 28, SANTIAGO [CHILE] – Location: Espacio Riesco |
Tuesday, November 30, MONTERREY [MEXICO] – Location: Arena Monterrey |
Thursday, December 02, MEXICO CITY [MEXICO] – Location: Sports Palace |

Source Tokio Hotel greets Peruvian fans

Lima, Oct. 19 (ANDINA). Regardless of their busy world-tour schedule, members of the German band Tokio Hotel found time to greet their Peruvian fans one month ahead of their eagerly awaited concert in Lima.

Bill Kaulitz, his twin brother and guitarist Tom, bassist Georg Listing and drummer Gustav Schäfer released a short greeting video message to their fans expressing their hope to see them all at the upcoming concert in the Peruvian capital.

Tokio Hotel is aware of the fact that their fan club in Peru is the largest in Latin America, which is why they got excited about meeting them on November 25 at the Jockey Club in Lima

“Hi, we are Tokio Hotel, for the first time ever we will play a live show for all our fans in Peru. I hope to see you all at the gig on November 25th in Lima,” said one of the twins along with the other members of the band.

Source & Video

Cinescape Peru - Tokio Hotel Special

MTV World Stage - Tokio Hotel

October 22nd 2010

MTV Germany 7 PM
MTV Spain
9.30 PM
MTV Australia
10.30 PM
MTV Czech
10 PM
MTV Portugal
9 PM
MTV Hungary
11.50 PM
MTV Ukraine
11.30 PM
MTV Finland
8.50 PM
MTV Asia (Singapore/Hong Kong) 11 PM
MTV Asia (Malaysia) 12 AM
MTV Adria 9 PM
MTV Romania 12 AM
MTV Denmark 8.50 PM
MTV Greece 9 PM

October 23rd 2010

MTV Russia 1.05 AM


Por Ti nº 262/10 - Mexico

Tom's Blog - 17.10.2010

Alles was man braucht... ein cooles Video zu machen: 24 Freunde und ein Baugerüst

All it takes... make a cool video is a descent scaffold and 24 friends



Ha érdekelnek az animék,mangák,videojátékok, japán és holland nyelv és kultúra, akkor látogass el a személyes oldalamra.    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, nyaralók és egyéb épületek homlokzati szigetelését! 0630/583-3168 Hívjon!    *****    Könyves oldal - Ágica Könyvtára - ahol megnézheted milyen könyveim vannak, miket olvasok, mik a terveim...    *****    Megtörtént Bûnügyekkel foglalkozó oldal - magyar és külföldi esetek.    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    A boroszkányok gyorsan megtanulják... Minden mágia megköveteli a maga árát. De vajon mekkora lehet ez az ár? - FRPG    *****    Alkosd meg a saját karaktered, és irányítsd a sorsát! Vajon képes lenne túlélni egy ilyen titkokkal teli helyen? - FRPG    *****    Mindig tudnod kell, melyik kikötõ felé tartasz. - ROSE HARBOR, a mi városunk - FRPG    *****    Akad mindannyijukban valami közös, valami ide vezette õket, a delaware-i aprócska kikötõvárosba... - FRPG    *****    boroszkány, vérfarkas, alakváltó, démon és angyal... szavak, amik mind jelentenek valamit - csatlakozz közénk - FRPG    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    why do all monsters come out at night - FRPG - Csatlakozz közénk! - Írj, és éld át a kalandokat!    *****    CRIMECASESNIGHT - Igazi Bûntényekkel foglalkozó oldal    *****    Figyelem, figyelem! A második vágányra karácsonyi mese érkezett! Mesés karácsonyt kíván mindenkinek: a Mesetáros    *****    10 éves a Haikyuu!! Ennek alkalmából részletes elemzést olvashatsz az anime elsõ évadáról az Anime Odyssey blogban!    *****    Ismerd meg az F-Zero sorozatot, a Nintendo legdinamikusabb versenyjáték-szériáját! Folyamatosan bõvülõ tartalom.    *****    Advent a Mesetárban! Téli és karácsonyi mesék és színezõk várnak! Nézzetek be hozzánk!    *****    Nagyon pontos és részletes születési horoszkóp, valamint 3 év ajándék elõrejelzés, diplomás asztrológustól. Kattints!!!!    *****    A horoszkóp a lélek tükre,egyszer mindenkinek érdemes belenézni.Keress meg és én segítek értelmezni a csillagok állását!    *****    HAMAROSAN ÚJRA ITT A KARÁCSONY! HA SZERETNÉL KARÁCSONYI HANGULATBA KEVEREDNI, AKKOR KATT IDE: KARACSONY.GPORTAL.HU