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.:My Family:.

Enta & RockyBeke&MikeBekeBridgi

Indulás: 2008-03-28


Webmiss: Brigitta_v
Contacts: Site Tumblr Mail
Design: Brigitta_v
Version: Dreadlocks /v.17/
Translations by:
BTK APP-screens: BKT Q&A

This is just a fansite about the German band, about the Tokio Hotel. The webmiss hasn't got any contact with the band or the managements. 


Sueddeutsche- Wolfgang Joop talks about Bill



(tells about that they have their passion for fashion in common, that Bill was at his show in Paris and so on)


Wolfgang Joop: "Both of us started on our way to become world stars, that needs a lot of discipline and also down-to-earthness. I mean, a big star is mostly very laid-back, whereas a starlet is fidgety."


With all the down-to-earthness you may also dream. Bill Kaulitz has already dared to go on the catwalk in this outfit. With that a collaboration nearly forces on upon them.


Wolfgang Joop: "Well... yeah, he's highly interested in doing fashion design, but I think as regards taste, our tendencies diverge a bit."


So, most probably Bill Kaulitz won't be a new muse for Wolfgang Joop. Bill's emo-look and Wolfgang Joop's clothes are worlds apart after all. Even a non-professional should recognise that.



Translation by TokioHotel-Info


The life has always suprises...

#56 - 2 hete
#57 - Terv
#58 - Végre
#59 - Álom

Nevem: Tom Kaulitz

#49 - A balhé
#50 - A bulimeghívás
#51 - A durvulás
#52 - A party folytatódik

Nos, sajnálom, hogy rég volt rész, de örülök, hogyha a frissekre van időm :) Valamint új a dizi! Várom a véleményeket! ^^

Love Rock nº 24/10 (Brazil)

"Tu" magazine (Chile)

Schrei - Japanese edition

Муз ТВ - Tokio Hotel on the 4th place in the category "EMO" (Russia)

Cool Girl POSTER no 4 / 2010 (Romania)

Poster (8 pages - A4 size):

NEW Videomessage - Tokio Hotel en Lima Gracias a Planeta


Made by: Mary @

Radio Carolina interview with Bill & Tom - 15.10.2010

We talked in exclusive with the guys from Tokio Hotel, so they could tell us how they feel before their presentation in our country this upcoming 28 of November. The German band showed they were glad of their visit to Chile, noting that their fans will experience a great quality show, filling the Movistar Arena with music and colors.

1. Do you have many expectations for the concert in Chile?
"We are super glad to finally be able to offer a first concert in Chile, since we had wanted to do so for some time, but it was difficult. So now we are very happy to finally accomplish it, for which we are very anxious to be able to meet with our fans and be able to offer a great show for them."

2. What does it mean to you that your music is so successful and representative for teens?
"That is the biggest compliment that we as a band can receive and as an artist. Because that is where we notice that our music really excites them. For this, on our second album we wanted to offer music for "life", for the people and for ourselves also, as part of the youth. Since the best compliment that we have been able to get is that the public and the teens especially, identify with our music."

3. Do you have a hobby, something you like to do on your free time or on break?
"It's a very hard question to answer, it's very complicated, since Tokio Hotel is our life and we are dedicated to the band 24 hours a day and 7 days a week; we take care of everything, writing, producing...There's a lot more Tokio Hotel behind what people simply see. It requires a lot more dedication, since behind the scenes there is a ton of work, lyrics have to be written, composing, rehearse the shows, preparing, give interviews and everything that is necessary for Tokio Hotel. So we don't have much free time outside of the band. Besides that, we don't have any hobby, nor any other special talent aside from making music."

4. How is the relationship between you? The relationship you have as brothers?
"We believe all the twins in the world have an indestructible and very strong union. Our relationship is impressive, almost magical, because we dream the same and think the same. Practically we are the same person. We don't have any problem between us. Actually, it seems logical for us to spend all the time together, eat together, go out together, do everything together."

5. Where does the name for your tour "Humanoid City" come from?
"Well just as it appears, we want to represent a city with a strange species of humans. And what we wanted to reflect was a feeling that we have always had (Tom and I) of being on a planet that belonged to us, because we grew up on a very small city in Germany that for us was horrible, it bothered us and we hated it, so we always thought we were some aliens that were on the wrong planet. For that reason, the name of the album and the tour "Humanoid City."

6. We know that your concerts are always spectacular and avant-garde, can your fans in Chile expect the same for the show you'll do here?
"Unfortunately we can't take all of our production that we used in Europe, since we can not even take our own stage due to the distance. But I can tell you that it will be a great show. We will take all of our costumes, lighting, pyrotechnics, and special effects. Therefore all our fans in Chile can be sure they will experience an incredible performance and we will do all that is possible to give them a great and spectacular show."


Translation by Vee


13/20 nº 55 (Chile)

InRock #11/2010 - (Japan)

Want to see Tokio Hotel in Tokyo? Win tickets for the showcase in Tokyo! Open to Overseas Fans!

Focus on historical events to be held for Tokio Hotel fans around the world!

Group of 200 people invited, as 100 pairs to be given out! Secured invitations to the special showcase for  Tokio Hotel newsletter members!
"In Tokyo will be the first time that the Tokio Hotel Showcase will be done!" The center of attention in the world!

Tokio Hotel Showcase - Outline
Date: December 15, 2010 (Wed)
Location: Somewhere in Tokyo
Details: We will contact the winners directly
Winners: 100 pairs to 200 people 

Notes on Showcase: 
"Offer applicants will need to register for our newsletter and Tokio・Hoteru.
If you are not registered, your registration will be automatic."
The results of the draw, we will contact the winner.
Transportation to the venue and accommodation will be the winner's responsibility.
The convenience of the artist, date, time, and place will be subject to change, may even be cancellation. If so please note we assume no responsibility for it.
On the day, bringing a digital camera and video is strictly prohibited.
"Please note that if you discovered that day Because there is a potential showcase stops." = [I guess what this translates to is that when you are there on the day of the show, the showcase may not continue due to any technicalities that may arise. All in all, its your responsibility & choice to be there anyway. Until someone comes with a complete translation :) ]

Application period :
October 15, 2010 (Fri) 12:00 - November 15, 2010 (Mon) 23:59

Here is the application form:

This is the form in English, it is in order:
Last name:
Sex = Male/Female
Birth date:
Postcode :
State=[of which you want to choose the last option that says Overseas= 海外県]:
Street name, street address:
Apartment name:
Country name = [Choose from here in Japanese:]:
Phone number we can contact you:
Favorite Artists

Subscribe to magazines that are= [not sure on this answer as it either asks if you're subscribed to magazines or want to. Someone may clarify later & i'll edit. I would have just put the answer "None"]

Please check the newsletters you want more.= [2 options below. Just choose both if you want. The 1st option says "Western U-Express (Western News)" & the 2nd option just says "Other relevant information"]


Translation by tokiohotelmiddleeast

Radio FM TU 103.7 - Interview with Tokio Hotel 14.10.2010

We have promised and now they are on the phone - Tom and Bill!! Hi guys!
Bill & Tom: Hi!

When did you decide to come to Monterrey (Mexico)?
Bill: We had already planned it a long time ago to play a Southamerica-Tour. So we are very happy, that we could finally managed it and that we are able to make it. We are really happy to see our fans and to play an own tour there. We are so pleased, that it worked out.

Now you are a succesful band, but we have to remember that there was a time, when you played only in front of 500 you play in front of thousands.
Bill: I think, this is the special thing for us as a band. We are a band since 10 years and expierenced everything together. And that's the beauty of it, we know both sides. To play in little clubs and being not succesful and the other side. And that makes us proud and we enjoy it, that we are able to go on tour on a different continent, unbelievable.

It must be very special for you guys, to play at exotic venues. Tell me, how was it like to play in front of more than 500.000 people at the Eiffel-Tower?
Bill: That was the most exciting point in our carrier. I guess that had been the most amount of people I ever saw. It was an incredible moment for us as a band. The scenery in front of the Eiffel-tower. It was unique...a moment, that we as a band will always remember.

Tell me, where do you want to play and have never been before?
Tom: In Tokyo...and this dream will come true shortly, because in December we will fly to Tokyo.
Bill: And we would love to be the first band, to play on a different planet...somewhere. We really want to travel into the univers and play somewhere on a different planet.

This is not your first time in Latin America, you have already been in Mexico, but what are you thinking when you hear the word "Mexico"?
Tom: I remember of course awesome signing sessions, a lot of energy and we have only good expierences so far. Until now, we have been only in Mexico-City. We had great performances and we have of course very energetic fans...super.

Tell me which part do you enjoy the most during the performance at a concert?
Bill: The best moment is, when you go on stage, see for the first time the audience, how many people are there, and have the first contact to the audience. That's the moment I am looking forward in the evening. And of course it's wonderful, if all the know that all the people are singing along. That are the most beautiful moments. But if you go on stage and have the first view, that's most special.

Finally, I would like to ask you...many European bands have the dream to conquer America. Is it also your dream? Is it important for you to conquer America?
Bill: It's very difficult, especially as a German band it is unbelievable difficult to establish yourself in America...yes, to start in someway. But we had already some great concerts overthere, we have been on tour two times...but it is of course the biggest challenge for a German band to get famous in America.

So, to finish the interview... What can we expect in Monterrey on November 30th, when the lights turn off and the music of Tokio Hotel starts?
Bill: Of course we bring our show with us, that means...we are still on tour with "Welcome To Humanoid City". That's the focus. We pack a bit of our production, costumes and for sure the same setlist as it was for the European tour and we are really looking forward...I believe, it's going to be an energetic show.

Translation by tokiohotel-info


Showcase in Tokyo: Info

[...] Hello to all the Tokio Hotel fans out there!
For the first time ever, a Tokio Hotel Showcase will be held in Tokyo (Japan) on Dec. 15th! If you really want to join this historical event for Tokio Hotel and Tokio hotel fans, please enter the contest and also keep your eyes wide open!

Tomorrow, the first newsletter is going to be sent out! Can’t wait! It has lots of stuff, like a step-by-step of how to enter to win tickets to their upcoming showcase, and a special PC background photo. For you fans, it’s really awesome! [...]


Translation by Tokiohotel-Australia

OK! - "Schönes Paar? Wolfgang Joop & Bill Kaulitz"

Scan by: HazelKVL

Gala Magazine - "Wolfgang Joop war von Bill Kaulitz 'hin und weg'"

Scan by: HazelKVL

Bravo #21 - Czech

"L.A.-be költözünk!"

A híres német banda, a Tokio Hotel pakolja a bőröndjeit és az óceán másik oldalára költöznek! A Bravo tudja, miért!
A márciusi koncertjük után a prágai Tesla Arénában, amelyet a Bravo hozott el nektek, teljes nyugalom volt a Tokio Hotel körül. Most a fiúk visszatértek a "Darkside of the Sun" slágerükkel és minden ranglistát meghódítottak! A Bravo tudja mi újság Billnél (21), Tomnál (21), Georgnál (23) és Gustavnál (22)...

Bravo: Sziasztok fiúk, hogy vagytok?
Szia! Nagyszerűen vagyunk. A "Humanoid City Live" koncert DVD-nk néhány hónapja jelent meg és a rajongóink a legjobbat találhatják rajta a "Welcome to Humanoid City Tour" tavaszi világturnénkról.

Bravo: És mi a helyzet a többi Tokio Hotel koncerttel? Lesz még néhány ebben az évben?
Persze! November vége felé Dél-Amerikában leszünk.
Bill: Alig várom, hogy lássam ezeket a szép latin-amerikai lányokat :-)
Georg: Nos én is alig várom Mexikóvárost és a burritójukat.

Bravo: Idegesek vagytok a koncert előtt?
Igen, minden egyes alkalommal, amikor a színpadra megyünk, szóval nagyon idegesek vagyunk.

Bravo: És mit fogtok csinálni mielőtt Dél-Amerikába indultok?
Bepakoljuk a bőröndjeinket! Október vége felé Los Angelesbe költözünk, ahol új dalokon fogunk dolgozni.
Gustav: De az otthonunk továbbra is Németországban van. Az USA-ban csak egy kis ideig.

Bravo: Wow! Szóval nem sok szabadidőt élvezhettek, ugye?
Nem olyan sokat de ez nem számít nekünk! Szeretjünk ezt a munkát és élvezzük is!
Tom: Pontosan! És láthatod hogyan értékelik ezt a rajongóink is!
Georg: De néha mi is fekszünk a díványon és nézünk néhány szuper filmet...

Bravo: Igazad van, Tom. A cseh t-music ranglista első helyén álltok a "Darkside of the Sun" slágeretekkel..
Csodálatos! Szeretnénk megköszönni minden rajongónknak!

Bravo: A német zenei CMA Awardson szintén jelölve vagytok a "Legjobb nemzetközi banda" kategóriában...
Igazad van! A szavazás október 24.-én kezdődik 14 órakor. Szóval szavazz ránk! :-)
Tom: És ezenkívül jelöltek minket az MTV Europe Music Awardson. És ott már teljes sebességgel lehet szavazni!

Bravo: Tom, te és Bill a híres divatmagazin a L'Uomo Vogue címlapján szerepeltek. Élveztétek a fotózást?
Szuper volt. Nagyon tetszettek a ruhák, amelyekbe öltöztettek. A Luis Vuitton kabát hibátlan volt.

Bravo: Van divat-példaképetek?
Nagy rajongója vagyok Karl Lagerfeldnek! Csodálatos vele dolgozni. És a zenében és fellépésben teljesen odavagyok Steven Tylerért.

Bravo: Hova szeretnétek menni, ha ki akarnátok pihenni a rajongóitokat és a fotósokat?
Egy lakatlan szigetre!
Georg: Szeretnék bérelni egy mozit és oda menni a barátaimmal megnézni néhány király filmet.

Bravo: Van egy másik álmotok, amit szeretnétek megvalósítani?
Szeretnék egy ideig Ázsiában élni.
Gustav: Szeretnék lány lenni egy napra de ez valószínüleg sohasem fog megtörténni velem... :-)

„We are moving to L.A.!“

Popular german band Tokio Hotel pack their suitcases and they are moving on the other side of ocean! Bravo knows why!
After their concert in March at Prague’s Tesla Arena which was brought to you by Bravo was absolutely quiet around Tokio Hotel. Now boys are back with their hit „Darkside of the Sun“ and they are taking over all charts! Bravo knows what is new by Bill (21), Tom (21), Georg (23) and Gustav (22)...

Bravo: Hello boys, how are you?
Bill: Hey! We are great. Our concert DVD „Humanoid City Live DVD“ was released few months ago and there our fans can find the best from our spring world tour „Welcome To Humanoid City Tour“.

Bravo: And what about other concerts of Tokio Hotel? Will there be some in this year?
Tom: Sure! Toward the end of November we will be in South America!
Bill: I can’t wait to see those Latin American beautiful girls. :-)
Georg: Well I can’t wait to Mexico City and their burritos.

Bravo: Are you nervous before the concert?
Tom: Yes, everytime we go on stage so we are really nervous.

Bravo: And what are you going to do before South America?
Bill: Packing our suitcases! Toward the end of October we are moving to Los Angeles where we are going to work on new songs.
Gustav: But our home will still be in Germany. USA is only for some time.

Bravo: Wow! So you won’t probably enjoy so much free time, right?
Bill: Not so much but it doesn’t matter to us! We love this job and we enjoy this!
Tom: Exactly! And how you can see so also our fans appreciate that!
Georg: But sometimes we also lie on the couch and watch some super movie....

Bravo: You are right, Tom. You are with your hit „Darkside of the Sun“ in our czech t-music chart on first place...
Tom: That is amazing! We want to thank to all of our fans!

Bravo: You are also nominated in category „Best National Band“ at german music CMA Awards...
Gustav: You are right! The voting starts on 24th October at 2 pm. So support us! :-)
Tom: And beside of this we are also nominated at MTV Europe Music Awards. And there is already voting in full speed!

Bravo: Tom, you and Bill are on the cover for prestigious fashion magazine L’Uomo Vogue. How did you enjoy the photoshooting?
Tom: It was super! I really liked those clothes they dressed us in. The coat from Louis Vuitton was without mistake.

Bravo: Do you have some fashion idol?
Bill: I am big fan of Karl Lagerfeld! To work with him was absolutely amazing. And in music and performing I am absolutely into Steven Tyler.

Bravo: Where would you like to go if you want to rest from all your fans and photographers?
Gustav: On deserted island!
Georg: I would like to rent some cinema and go there with my friends to see some cool movie.

Bravo: Do you have some other dream you would like to fulfill?

Bill: I would like to live for some time in Asia.
Gustav: I would like to be a girl for one day but this will probably never happen to me... :-)

Texts by pictures:
L’Uomo Vogue picture – On the cover of fashion men magazine L’Uomo Vogue look twins really chic!
Karl Lagerfeld picture – Worldknown fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld is the icon not only for Bill!
Twins picture – Music video Darkside of the Sun is black&white and boys have there really crazy costumes!

Little text below the yellow text:
Support Tokio Hotel and vote for them at and The winners of MTV Europe Music Awards are going to be announced 7.11. in Madrid!

Translation by Evelyn



IN - Das STAR & STYLE Magazin #42

Két csodagyerek Párizsban
Sok ránc és 40 év húzódik köztük, de lélekben közel állnak egymáshoz. Úgy tűnik, hogy a divatguru Wolfgang Joop (65) új múzsára lelt, Bill Kaulitzban (21). Párizsban egyre közelebb és közelebb kerültek egymáshoz.

Tisztán szakmai? Egy tévéstáb kíséretében forgattak a divat megszállottjai egy műsorhoz az ARTE csatornának. Minél tovább tartott a forgatás, annál jobban megismerték egymást a divat diktátor és a Tokio Hotel nagyon nőies frontembere. "Nagyon sok közös van bennünk", idézte fel Bill később. Akár ártalmatlan szórakozásnak is tűnhet, hogy nevetve osztottak meg egy cigarettát, mint a kisiskolás lányok.

Így a nagy vonzalom biztosította Tokio-Bill számráa a helyett Joop "Wunderkind" bemutatóján az első sort másnapra. Semmit sem kell feltételezni - de, nem csak a divat áldozatainak támad deja-vu érzése, mikor meglátta a divattervező és ifjú kísérőjének párosát: Egyből Karl Lagerfeldre és, múzsájára, Baptiste Giabiconira (20) gondolhattak. "Egy ókori görög ifjúra emlékeztet. Hibátlan.", áradozott Lagerfeld egy évvel ezelőtt felfedezettjéről.

Joop sem lelkesedik kevésbé Bill iránt: "Le vagyok nyűgözve ettől a fiútól!" A tervező még azt is el tudná képzelni, hogy az énekes a "Wunderkind" divatbemutató modellje legyen: "Kiküldeném a kifutóra női ruhákban, mivel ő a legszebb lány az egész divat héten."

Vajon a tervező beleszeretett a fiatal énekesbe? Biztosan nem állítható, de úgy tűnik, hogy Tokio-Bill más dolgokat is eszébe jutatott. A 65 éves tervező boldogan mondta: "Megértettem az élet örömének üzenetét, és egy olyan évben, melyben nagyon sok veszteséget kellett elszenvednem."

Fordította: Betty @ t-h-b-t

Wolfgang Joop & Bill Kaulitz
Two Prodigies in Paris
A lot of wrinkles and 40 years lie between them, but spiritually they are close. It seems like the Fashion Guru Wolfgang Joop (65) found a new muse in Bill Kaulitz (21). In Paris they got closer and closer together.

Purely professional? A TV-Team accompanied the fashion addicts for a Show for the TV Channel ARTE. The longer the shooting took of said show took, the more familiar the Courturier and the very girly Tokio-Hotel-Frontman got. "We have a lot in common", Bill was quoted later. That they shared a cigarette, giggling like little school girls, should be seen as some harmless fun.

So much affection, secured "Tokio"-Bill a place in the front row of Joop's "Wunderkind"-Show on the day after. Nothing should be assumed - but not only Fashion Victims get a Déjà-Vu when seeing this combination of a Fashion Designer and his young appendage: One immediately thinks of Karl Lagerfeld and his muse Baptiste Giabiconi (20). "He reminds me of a youngling in ancient greece. He's flawless.", Lagerfeld gushed a year ago about his discovery.

Joop isn't any less euphoric about Bill: "I'm blown away by this boy!" The Designer can even imagine the singer as a Model at his "Wunderkind"-Show: "I would have sent him on the catwalk in women's clothing, since he's the most beautiful girl at the Fashion Week."

Is the Designer in love with the singing-youngling? It sure isn't allowed to say it like this, but it seems like "Tokio"-Bill took his mind off of other things. The 65-year-old happily said: "I competed with a Message about the joy of life, and that in a year where I had to suffer because of so many losses."

Translation by Icey @


Azt hallottuk, hogy még az év vége előtt megjelenik valami MINDEN Tokio Hotel rajongó számára & a tegnapi fotózásnak van valami köze hozzá.

Fordította: ReseTH

Source @ Facebook



Könyves oldal - Ágica Könyvtára - ahol megnézheted milyen könyveim vannak, miket olvasok, mik a terveim...    *****    Megtörtént Bûnügyekkel foglalkozó oldal - magyar és külföldi esetek.    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    A boroszkányok gyorsan megtanulják... Minden mágia megköveteli a maga árát. De vajon mekkora lehet ez az ár? - FRPG    *****    Alkosd meg a saját karaktered, és irányítsd a sorsát! Vajon képes lenne túlélni egy ilyen titkokkal teli helyen? - FRPG    *****    Mindig tudnod kell, melyik kikötõ felé tartasz. - ROSE HARBOR, a mi városunk - FRPG    *****    Akad mindannyijukban valami közös, valami ide vezette õket, a delaware-i aprócska kikötõvárosba... - FRPG    *****    boroszkány, vérfarkas, alakváltó, démon és angyal... szavak, amik mind jelentenek valamit - csatlakozz közénk - FRPG    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    why do all monsters come out at night - FRPG - Csatlakozz közénk! - Írj, és éld át a kalandokat!    *****    CRIMECASESNIGHT - Igazi Bûntényekkel foglalkozó oldal    *****    Figyelem, figyelem! A második vágányra karácsonyi mese érkezett! Mesés karácsonyt kíván mindenkinek: a Mesetáros    *****    10 éves a Haikyuu!! Ennek alkalmából részletes elemzést olvashatsz az anime elsõ évadáról az Anime Odyssey blogban!    *****    Ismerd meg az F-Zero sorozatot, a Nintendo legdinamikusabb versenyjáték-szériáját! Folyamatosan bõvülõ tartalom.    *****    Advent a Mesetárban! Téli és karácsonyi mesék és színezõk várnak! Nézzetek be hozzánk!    *****    Nagyon pontos és részletes születési horoszkóp, valamint 3 év ajándék elõrejelzés, diplomás asztrológustól. Kattints!!!!    *****    A horoszkóp a lélek tükre,egyszer mindenkinek érdemes belenézni.Keress meg és én segítek értelmezni a csillagok állását!    *****    HAMAROSAN ÚJRA ITT A KARÁCSONY! HA SZERETNÉL KARÁCSONYI HANGULATBA KEVEREDNI, AKKOR KATT IDE: KARACSONY.GPORTAL.HU    *****    Nyakunkon a Karácsony, ajándékozz születési horoszkópot barátaidnak, ismerõseidnek.Nagyon szép ajándék! Várlak, kattints    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, nyaralók és egyéb épületek homlokzati szigetelését! 0630/583-3168 Hívjon!