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.:My Family:.

Enta & RockyBeke&MikeBekeBridgi

Indulás: 2008-03-28


Webmiss: Brigitta_v
Contacts: Site Tumblr Mail
Design: Brigitta_v
Version: Dreadlocks /v.17/
Translations by:
BTK APP-screens: BKT Q&A

This is just a fansite about the German band, about the Tokio Hotel. The webmiss hasn't got any contact with the band or the managements. 


'Durch die Nacht mit Bill Kaulitz' (Documentation) - Paris, France 05.10.2010 - Pics #2

RTL Exclusiv - 06.10.2010 - Bill @ Wunderkind Fashion Show


Outfit of the day
What kind of "licorice banana" has he on his head and who is it? Oh, it's Tokio Hotel's Bill Kaulitz, guest on the "Wunderkind" fashion-show. With a Rock'n'Roll hairdo, wild like a buffalo, thin like a gazelle, perfect qualifactions to become a designer or?

Bill: "In the past I used to draw too, I am not really good in it, but I have also partly designed my stageoutfits."

But for now, he has to squeeze himself in the first row, and popping his eyes out of his head.

Wunderkind Fashion Show - 06.10.2010

'Durch die Nacht mit Bill Kaulitz' (Documentation) - Paris, France 05.10.2010


Wunderkind Fashion Show by Wolfgang Joop - Paris, France 06.10.2010 -

Bill, Nat és Dennis az első sorban volt a Wunderkinds fashion show bemutatóján a mai nap! A képek hamarosan a @THHQ-n lesznek elérhetőek!
Ez pár órával ezelőtt volt!!!
Bill csodálatosan nézett ki! Egy szürke, ezüst-fekete csíkokkal mintázott kabátot viselt, és nagy napszemüveget. Akárcsak egy igazi rocksztár!

Bill, Nat and Dennis was on first row at Wunderkinds fashion show today! Pics coming on @THHQ
That was a few hours ago!!!
Bill looked AMAZING! He was wearing a grey silver and black striped jacket and big sunglasses! Rocking it like a rockstar!



Reebok news

Habár az utóbbi hetekben semmi újat nem hallottunk a Reebok-tól, itt van most egy kicsi, bár nem jelentéktelen információ: A koncert még ebben az évben meg lesz tartva, de hogy mégis HOL, azt még mindig nem akarták elárulni. Tehát a jó vagy rossz hírre sajnos még egy kicsit várnunk kell ;D

Fordította: Bajbee

Obwohl wir in den letzten Wochen von Reebok nichts Neues gehört haben, gibt es jetzt eine kleine, aber trotzdem nicht unwichtige Information. Das Konzert wird noch dieses Jahr stattfinden, aber WO wollten sie noch immer nicht verraten! Müssen wir uns wohl oder übel leider noch ein bisschen gedulden! ;D

Source: HazelKVL @ Twitter


ARTE - Durch die Nacht mit Bill Kaulitz


As it seems, Bill was in Paris on October 5th, to record the documentation "Durch die Nacht mit Bill Kaulitz"  (Through the night with Bill Kaulitz) with the famous german designer Wolfgang Joop for the german-french TV channel ARTE! Joop hosted the 'show' and took Bill to his favourite hot-spots in Paris. Unfortunately it's not known yet, when it will be broadcasted!

Mint ahogy azt látni, Bill Párizsban volt október 5-én, hogy felvegyék a "Durch die Nacht mit Bill Kaulitz" (Át az éjszakán Bill Kaulitz-cal) című dokumentációt, a híres német designerrel Wolfgang Joop-pal, a német-francia ARTE! TV-csatorna számára. Joop volt a "show" házigazdája és Bill-t is felkérte, hogy a kedvenc hot-spotokat (nem tudom, mi ez magyarul ^^") megmutassa Párizsban. Sajnos még nem tudni, mikor adják le a műsort a TV-ben.

Superfã Teen nº 10/10 - Brazil

Por Tí Nº261/10 – Mexico

Showcase - Tokyo, Japan 15.12.2010 - Info Update

A Toko Hotel Tokyo-ban! A srácok álma végre valóra álik! Az Universal Music mai napon bejelentette, hogy lesz egy kis Tokio Hotel előadás 2010. DECEMBER 15-ÉN. Meghívták zenei magazinok, újságok, rádiók, zenék TV-show-k képviselőit, és még néhány rajongnak is lehetősége lesz, hogy élőben láthassa a fiúkat.

Tájékoztató a bemutatóról:
● Dátum: 2010 DECEMBER 15.
● Helyszín: valahol Tokióban

További információk hamarosan!

Fordította: Brigi @ Billkaulitz-fans

Tokio Hotel in Tokio! Dieser Traum wird für die vier Jungs nun tatsächlich wahr! Wie Universal Music heute mitteilt, wird es am 15.12.2010 ein kleines Showcase in Tokio geben. Eingeladen sind Vertreter von Musik Magazinen, Zeitschriften, Radio, Musik, TV-Shows und auch einige Fans werden die Möglichkeit haben die Jungs hautnah zu erleben.


Infos zum Showcase
● Datum: 15. Dezember 2010
● Ort: irgendwo in Tokio

Mehr Infos werden bald folgen!

Tokio Hotel in Tokyo! And now this dream is coming true for the four boys! According to Universal Music there will be a little showcase in Tokyo on December 15th 2010. Invited are representatives of music magazines, newspapers, radio, music, TV-Shows and even some fans will have the opportunity to see the boys live.

Info about the showcase
● Date: December 15th 2010
● Place: somewhere in Tokyo

More info coming soon!



L'uomo Vogue (Italy)

Download link (pdf):


Twins Style in Vouge




Tom's Blog - 03.10.2010

Hausbesitzer freundliche Straßenkunst
Keine "zerstörerischen" Graffiti mehr. Anstatt dessen kommt das weltberühmte "duct tape", welches LIVE Bands nur zu gut kennen, zum Einsatz. Wenn wir auf Tour sind benutzen wir das Zeug fast für alles. Man kann nicht nur kaputte Gitarren reparieren sondern auch nervige Bandkollegen zum Schweigen bringen. Drei Mal dürft ihr raten wenn ich da wohl meinen könnte. Was denkt ihr

House owner friendly street art
No more property "damaging" graffiti! Instead, they use the worlds famous and among LIVE bands very popular duct tape. On tour we use that stuff for almost everything. It's not just good for fixing broken guitars but also to gag annoying band members! Guess who I'm talking about and why

CMA Wild & Young Award 2010 [Germany]

A 'WANjK által prezentál Wild & Young CMA Awards 2010 - Ki lesz az idei áhított Közönségdíj?

2010-ben minden "Nagyobb és Jobb". 36 kategória, melyek közül első alkalommal a férfi és női előadói díjakat adják át, ami a 2009 októberétől októberig 2010 tartó teljesítményüket díjazza.

A Tokio Hotel is kapott jelölész a "Best Band National" kategóriában...

Best Band National:

Ich + Ich
Tokio Hotel
Sportfreunde Stiller

A szavazást Október 24-én kezdik és November 28-ig tart.
Addig 3 körben van lehetőség a kedvencedre szavazni. A korábbi évekhez hasonlóan, naponta egyszer tudsz szavazni

Fordította: Brigi @ Billkaulitz-fans

Die CMA Wild & Young Awards 2010 werden präsentiert von !WANjK - Wer holt sich in diesem Jahr den begehrten Publikumspreis?

2010 ist alles "Bigger and Better". Es gibt gleich 36 Kategorien und erstmals werden männliche und weibliche Künstler ausgezeichnet, die von Oktober 2009 bis Oktober 2010 durch ihre Leistungen überzeugt haben.

Tokio Hotel dürfen sich über eine Nominierung in der Kategorie "Beste Band National" freuen...

Beste Band National:
Ich + Ich
Tokio Hotel
Sportfreunde Stiller

Am 24. Oktober beginnen die Votings. Bis zum 28.
November ist es dann möglich in drei Etapen für seine Favoriten zu voten. Wie in den Vorjahren ist es einmal täglich möglich seine Stimme abzugeben.

The CMA Wild & Young Awards 2010 presented by !WANjK - Who gets the coveted award this year?

In 2010 everything is "Bigger and Better". There are 36 categories and for the first time male and female artists, which have convinced with their performances from October 2009 to October 2010, will be honored.

Tokio Hotel are nominated in the category "Best Band National"...

Best Band National:
Ich + Ich
Tokio Hotel
Sportfreunde Stiller

The voting starts on October 24th. You can vote for your favorites in three laps until November 28th. As in the previous years, it's possible to vote once a day.

Quelle/Source #1 || Quelle/Source #2


Latin America-Tour in November/December 2010 - Trailer #1




Kilian Kerner mit Tokio Hotel-Shirt



Tom's Blog - 30.09.2010

Egy teljesen átlagos nap
Hihetetlen, hogy mennyi logót, márkát és szlogent látunk minden nap. Mintha az egész világ csak ebből állna... Oh, várjatok... a következő!
Brigi @ Billkaulitz-fans

Ein ganz normaler Tag
Unglaublich wie viele Logos, Marken und Claims man jeden Tag sieht. Scheint so als würde die ganze Welt aus ihnen bestehen... Oh, Moment - tut sie ja auch!

Everyday Life
Unbelievable how many logos, claims and brands cross our way each day! As if the world was made of them... Oh wait, it actually is:

Tokio Hotel - Humanoid City Latin America Tour Trailer + Chile Message! [HQ]

L'uomo Vogue - Unique Twins TOKIO HOTEL

[it's not the whole article]

"Humanoid" comes close to 400.000 copies sold.
Their rock tale began in 2001 in Magdeburg. Nearly ten years later, the band founded by the Kaulitz twins registers sold out gigs in venues all over the world.

Jacket and shirt: Italia Independent; pant: Lantin; boots: Rick Owens; ring and jewels: Sevan Bicakci. In the opposite page. T-shirt: Intimissimi; jacket: Lanvin. On the first page, on the left. Jacket: Louis Vuitton; singlet: Roberto Cavalli; boots: Rick Owens. On the right. Jacket: Diesel; t-shirt: Intimissimi; jeans: DSquared; shoes: Adidas. - By Jeremy Scott - Fashion Editor: Robert Rabensteiner.

Still freshly youthful faces, shy manners, polite: Bill and Tom are the heart and brains of the hottest German band in the last few years.

Heartened by an unique pop-rock sound, they climbed the international charts, creating a true myth.
Beside their passion for MUSIC, the two brothers have much more in common: ideas, friends, dreams. "But we also happen to argue, and heavily", they claim. "We've got very different personalities. We are the two sides of the SAME strong COIN".

Surely with their being so used to moving since they were 15 years old, from one location to another among the most exclusive venues in the whole world situated in the European and Asian capital cities; and again, with sold out gigs, footlights, five stars hotels, limited edition limousines the Gallagher brothers not even in better times could dispose of, the VIP treatment every aspiring young rockstar dream of and the catwalks (like the one for the DSquared runway during the Milan Man Fashion Week in January) - if we consider all this, catching the curious, stupefied, almost alien look that brightens the beautiful, still freshly youthful face of Bill and Tom Kaulitz, Tokio Hotel heart and brains, makes one feel strange. They wander through the rooms of Palazzo Biscari, the splendid eighteenth-century baroque mansion in Catania - where the photoshoot portrayed in these pages was set - with a featherly, respectful and timid step, as not to interfere with the genius loci. You might expect that these guys - grown up too fast and now 20 years of age - give everything for granted, considering the milions of copies they've sold all over the world, the last record being Humanoid (Universal), which came out exactly one year ago. But no. They move from a room to another, almost unbelieving that they can be here today. "It's a magnificent palace, an artistic treasure: there aren't places like this from where we come from", Bill mentioned with an esitant smile, referring to his hometown Magdeburg. But it's right there, in that village know for its saltmines, once part of East Germany, where ten years ago the Tokio Hotel rock tale began. Barely 7, the Kaulitz brothers were already busy with guitars and extravagant looks, which attracted the school mates' disconcert, by whom the two identical twins were already seen as out-and-out aliens. No wonder back then Tom was already hooked on Aerosmith and guitarist Joe Perry, whereas Bill was a big fan of David Bowie and the White Duke's art of quick-change. "He's absolutely one of my favourite artists: so far I'll have watched "Labyrinth" hundreds of times", he admits. Paradoxically, especially in the numbness of the provincial life, being yourself and wishing to express yourself without prejudices is seen as a meaningless act most of the time. "At school problems were endless. My classmates didn't accept me, especially for the way I dressed. At that time I still couldn't afford expensive clothes, so I made them myself, cutting and sewing together different items of clothing, maybe some t-shirts I had bought for few pennies. The result was often original, I liked it, I put lots of passion in it. However, this didn't certainly keep me and my brother Tom away from fights with some schoolmates. Our dearest dream was to make music and feel free to express ourselves", Bill remebers. A dream that for the Kaulitz brothers starts to become true when they meet Georg Listing and Gustav Schäfer, who later became Tokio Hotel bassist and drummer respectively. "Finding someone that, at our age, wanted to join us in playing in a band or shared our own dreams and wishes was pretty hard. That's why, at the beginning, it was just me and Bill: we made everything by ourselves, we played every instrument and then we started making some minor concerts in our hometown. At one of our shows, in the audience there were Gustav and Georg as well; at the end of our performance, they came greeting us and they asked us to join the group", remembers Tom, while he shakes his head and the long cornrows that fall over his shoulders. They're perfect for his hip-hopper look. It's with this line-up that Devilish were born in 2001 - three years later, the name changes into Tokio Hotel - and with it their first album, "Schrei", which cointained "Durch den Monsun", shortly after translated into the famous hit "Monsoon" when the record was released again in its English version, "Scream". In 2005 Tokio Hotel set off for their most successful debut tour in their country and they become the most important rock band from Germany since the metal band Rammstein. They strike while the iron is hot: in 2007 they release their second German album, "Zimmer 483", which was also later on included in "Scream" (released the same year). [...]

"We don't have any regrets. We fulfilled our dream. Perhaps we only need the freedom to go out for an ice-cream without security".


Tom is the new face for Reebok.


T-shirt: Roberto Cavalli. In the opposite page. Standing. Shirt and pant: Givenchy by Riccardo Tisci; belt: Lanvin; boots: Rick Owens. Sitting. Sweatshirt: Tsicko; gilet: Pharrell & Moncler; jeans: LRC; shoes: Reebok. Make up and hair: Natalie Franz using Chanel. Fashion assistant: Valentina Bocciardi.


Translation by Seipht

Tokio Hotel twins in L'Uomo Vogue: "We are not like the Gallagher brothers"

Bill and Tom Kaulitz are on the cover of the October Issue of L'Uomo Vogue, modelling for an evocative photoshoot set in Palazzo Biscari, in Catania.

Do you remember twins Bill and Tom visiting Catania the past July? They had been in Sicily for the first time, as guests for TRL On The Road, to present the upcoming DVD live "Humanoid City Live", shot in Milan.
Hundreds of fans waited for their arrival in front of the stage in viale Africa, under the burning sun and with a sultry weather that made breathing impossible.
The next morning the two brothers left at an early hour to reach the town centre of the Sicilian capital, where cameras, artificial lights and ventilators were waiting for them for a photoshoot set in one of the most beautiful palaces in Italy.

Gold & Flashes

An opulent baroque complex that dates back to the 18th century, rich of stuccoes and frescoes, with scenographic staircases and huge mirrors, in full Rococò style. Here are posing Bill - with his slicked hair and a dandy-retro outfit with his own personal touches - and Tom in his baggy clothes.
Between a wipe of powder and a eyeshadow touch-up, the twins pose side by side. While Bill looks like he wants to tear up the camera lense with his hot glares, Tom lazily bends into fakely casual poses. The contrast between those two is striking, both in attitude and in looks. At the first glace, it's almost impossible to believe they're twins - leather, chainmail, snakeskin boots and smokey eyes on the one hand, XL chequered shirt, cornrows and sneakers on the other. But if you look closely enough, you recognise the same eyes and the same facial features.
"We never leave each other's side", says Bill. "It happened only once at school when the teacher put us in two different classes. That was the worst experience of my life. There is a really strong connection between us, but we also happen to have big fights". Tom adds: "No, we are not like the Gallagher brothers. We never reach such levels. We have very different and well-defined personalities, even when it comes to looks. But together we are the two sides of the same strong coin".

They have a career ten years long, they are only 21 and their great passion is able to sweep and carry away thousands of fans all over world. Bill and Tom made a life-changing decision when they were really young and they've been helped by the right dose of luck and - obviously - by their band mates Georg and Gustav. With them thay share dreams since a very young age.
However, it was the two Kaulitz - with their eccentricity, peculiarity, charm, the living oxymoron they represent - who became true icons and muses for several photographers and designers as well.


Translation by Seipht


Könyves oldal - Ágica Könyvtára - ahol megnézheted milyen könyveim vannak, miket olvasok, mik a terveim...    *****    Megtörtént Bûnügyekkel foglalkozó oldal - magyar és külföldi esetek.    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    A boroszkányok gyorsan megtanulják... Minden mágia megköveteli a maga árát. De vajon mekkora lehet ez az ár? - FRPG    *****    Alkosd meg a saját karaktered, és irányítsd a sorsát! Vajon képes lenne túlélni egy ilyen titkokkal teli helyen? - FRPG    *****    Mindig tudnod kell, melyik kikötõ felé tartasz. - ROSE HARBOR, a mi városunk - FRPG    *****    Akad mindannyijukban valami közös, valami ide vezette õket, a delaware-i aprócska kikötõvárosba... - FRPG    *****    boroszkány, vérfarkas, alakváltó, démon és angyal... szavak, amik mind jelentenek valamit - csatlakozz közénk - FRPG    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    why do all monsters come out at night - FRPG - Csatlakozz közénk! - Írj, és éld át a kalandokat!    *****    CRIMECASESNIGHT - Igazi Bûntényekkel foglalkozó oldal    *****    Figyelem, figyelem! A második vágányra karácsonyi mese érkezett! Mesés karácsonyt kíván mindenkinek: a Mesetáros    *****    10 éves a Haikyuu!! Ennek alkalmából részletes elemzést olvashatsz az anime elsõ évadáról az Anime Odyssey blogban!    *****    Ismerd meg az F-Zero sorozatot, a Nintendo legdinamikusabb versenyjáték-szériáját! Folyamatosan bõvülõ tartalom.    *****    Advent a Mesetárban! Téli és karácsonyi mesék és színezõk várnak! Nézzetek be hozzánk!    *****    Nagyon pontos és részletes születési horoszkóp, valamint 3 év ajándék elõrejelzés, diplomás asztrológustól. Kattints!!!!    *****    A horoszkóp a lélek tükre,egyszer mindenkinek érdemes belenézni.Keress meg és én segítek értelmezni a csillagok állását!    *****    HAMAROSAN ÚJRA ITT A KARÁCSONY! HA SZERETNÉL KARÁCSONYI HANGULATBA KEVEREDNI, AKKOR KATT IDE: KARACSONY.GPORTAL.HU    *****    Nyakunkon a Karácsony, ajándékozz születési horoszkópot barátaidnak, ismerõseidnek.Nagyon szép ajándék! Várlak, kattints    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, nyaralók és egyéb épületek homlokzati szigetelését! 0630/583-3168 Hívjon!