Tokio Hotel: Angry Fans
Scream-alarm on Saturday night in front of Rockhal.The mood became really tense when 132 winners from Portugal were allowed to participate in a live probe of Tokio Hotel. Really bad for fans who waited out there. They had to endure behind closed doors.
Normally Tokio Hotel inspire thousands of spectators.A handful of Portuguese fans came on Saturday evening in the Rockhal to enjoy a sound check of the band.
In between they also gave autographs and photos.The 132 teenagers flew extra to Luxembourg as part of a MySpace-raffle of a Portuguese mobile operator.
After landing at about half past seven, it was a special bus to Belval to Rockhal.There they were now expected under a loud chorus of whistles and boos.
For many fans locally who waited for days in front of the hall,a small world was broken on Saturday night.
Why can they go inside and not we,that you could hear a lot.Insults also weren't a rare thing.
Shortly after 21 pm the Fan-program for visitors was running.Visibly happy but under renewed booing, they went in the buses and drove to the airport.
"It was incredible, I'm speechless. It is for me the first time I'm abroad and to experience something like this. I do find it a shame that the fans outside couldn't come in.", said Maria from Lisbon to
Shortly before midnight,a passenger plane was launched in the direction of Portugal with 132 satisfied but tired faces. In front of the Rockhal, the emotions had been laid.
Many "besieging" retreated into their tents. They still have to wait until Monday for their big day.
The Portuguese girls behave themselves VERY WELL all the time. A huge THANK YOU to them otherwise all could be ruined. Everything was very relaxed, of course people cried and so, of course we had a blast and made many noise at the concert, but no high hysterisms that would let the boys not at ease or ruin the planed stuff.
I still can’t believe it! Phantomider acoustic is just BEAUTIFUL! And Pain of Love is so powerful! those were the best for me. They interacted a lot with us, they made eye contact with everyone, they waved. They were a step away from us. I don’t know if any images will be released from that, because I didn’t notice the press filming. I was just going around the stage… no stress, no nothing. NO ONE took camera or cells and no one tried. I think they were also happy for that, for being able to perform without everyone shooting flashes at them.
Bill is still beautiful and breath taking, he isn’t as skinny as he looks like. And with those tight jeans, sorry to say but you can’t avoid but to stare at his crotch. Of course, I didn’t look there all the time. hehe
We saw the stage with the lights of the hall on while waiting for them to come. WOW! It is sooo detailed, really cool! I told Georg and Bill, the stage was awesome, and they “really, did you like it?”, and me “yes, its really cool.” They were all excited about it, you can see they are really excited and happy with the tour and it’s just great!
When I told them “Tokio Hotel America sends you their love and best wishes for the tour”, they were all surprised and repeated “Tokio Hotel America?” and Bill and Tom thanked. I just had to include you, because I love you all here too much.
The signing was inside the venue where the concert was, but we left and then came back. Again by groups, and guess who were first to go us! I was so lucky smart to have told the guy we had a group formed right at the beginning, we got called first for everything and we were all together. The VIPs going were to be the first entering for the signing, but the band security stopped them, they look at the bracelets and said:”pink bracelets (fans bracelets)”, and they just “shoved” the vips aside and took us in. That was so funny!
There Gustav was first, then Georg, then Bill and then Tom. Bill was seated higher than the other in a high bench, and his legs crossed under the butt ( sorry to be so specific but I don’t know how to say it in other way).
Manuel Lino the photographer with us, took the photos while we got our stuff signed. I have at least a photo where I must look like a dork. He and Optimus will send all the photos to us later.
You could get anything signed, but most just had the card because that’s what they told us to take and as I said everyone was really behaved, so many, maybe most just took take. I got that and my #6 card I had on my neck signed. hehe. Some fans asked them to sign their TH tattoos and so.
I am dead now though I don’t think I will be able to sleep. I will try to make a review tomorrow
a little more
I really don’t know what else to tell you for now, I was really calm though through it all. Maybe because I had set my mind to say something and not just hi to them and somehow I manage it and I am so glad I did.
More, on stage Bill owns! The other were nice too, but Bill is beyond. They did the 5 songs, it was about half an hour. Many liked Humanoid Acoustic a lot, I myself think it’s more powerful if not acoustic. I didn’t see a piano for Tom, he played keyboards (don’t know exactly how those are called). Gustav though it’s in the middle now and more visible somehow, it’s still kinda invisible because either they put his drums up or you can’t see him very well. There is a lot of stairs in the stage, Bill went to the higher ones making some nice moves on the last song “Shadow”, I wasn’t expecting for them to sing that one, it was a wonderful surprise and it is really touchy live. Bill’s voice is GREAT! nothing to worry about, strong and clear.
There was a press conference at the end of the signing. They answered in German and it was translated.
Quote Bill Kaulitz (20) in October 2009: "Where we grew up, we often felt like aliens."
Only four months later Tokio Hotel implement their feelings.
For their " Humanoid" Tour Kick-off on Sunday [a mistake made by the is on monday] across europe (with eleven trucks and six buses) , the four guys have something special in store...alien-outfits.
We show you the exclusive stage outfits, which have been designed by the Canadian twins Dan and Dean Caten.
Frontman Bill fits the alien-looking robot suits like a glove, like a second skin.
By the way: the bike with which Bill will drive on the stage, was also especially designed for the singer. Translation by THI
Őrült színpadi kinézet
Tokio Bill idegenként
Idézet Bill Kaulitz-tól (20) 2009 októberében: "Ott, ahol felnőttünk, gyakran úgy éreztük magunkat, mint az idegenek.
Csak 4 hónappal később a Tokio Hotel megvalósítja ezt az érzést.
A vasárnap induló Európát átszelő "Humanoid" turnéra (11 kamionnal és 6 busszal) a négy fiú valami egészen különlegeset talált ki - kosztümök Alien-stílusban.
Mi megmutatjuk az exkluzív színpadi-külsőt, amit a kanadai ikrek, Dan és Dean kiviteleztek a Dsquarted divatmárkától .
A frontember Billre úgy passzol az idegennek ható robot-ruházat, minta ha a második bőre lenne.
Ezenkívül: Itt a motor, amivel Bill a színpadon végig fog menni, ami extraként lett az énekes számára lett kivitelezve.
Part 1 - translation - click for the english version!
Ma este egy zenekarral fogtok játszani (Sanremo Festival Orchestra). Hányszor gyakoroltatok? Nem féltek egy zenekarral játszani?
Bill: Már gyakoroltunk, és nagyszerű lesz, a zenekar nagyon jól játszott. Boldogok vagyunk, hogy felléphetünk ma este.
Nem féltek?
Bill: Egyáltalán nem. Nagyon boldogok vagyunk.
Amikor Madonna és a Take That volt itt, nem láttunk ekkora tömeget az Ariston színház körül. Hogy érzitek így magatokat?
Bill: Csak pár órával ezelőtt érkeztünk meg, és nagyon boldogok vagyunk, hogy ennyi embert látunk itt, mert nem gondoltuk volna ezt, és nagyon jól esik.
Mindig odafigyeltek arra, mit csináltok? A fellépéseitek mindig nagyon különlegesek. Ma este különleges dolog fog történni?
Bill: Egy zenekarral fogunk játszani, és ez már nagyszerű és különleges dolog. Nagyon örülünk annak, hogy ilyen módon léphetünk fel, hiszen máshogyan szoktunk színpadra lépni.
Tom: Az lenne a legkülönlegesebb, ha Georg lenyomna egy sztriptízt a közönségnek.
"A "Humanoid City Tour"-ról rengeteg városban fogunk játszani, Franciaországban, Nizzában március 22-én..." Mondanátok valamit erről a turnéról? Fellépőruhák, stb.?
Bill: Sok időt töltöttünk Londonban, ahol kigondoltuk és "összeraktuk" a színpadot. Itt, Olaszországban négyszer fogunk játszani. A desing nagyon különleges lesz. Dean & Dan munkájának köszönhető.
Igaz, hogy a kislemezeitek beszélnek a sci-firől, és a turnéról is?
Bill: Igen, meg akarjuk csinálni a saját városunkat.
Tudom, hogy David Bowie rajongó vagy. Pár évig Berlinben élt. Ihlette már a dalaidat Kelet-Németország, és ő?
Bill: Ő egy igazán jó énekes. Minden dal más, és nagyon különleges.
(Ford.: GTH)