Unknown people had broken into a house of the band Tokio Hotel. The offenders broke up a terrace door and searched through several rooms at around 11.30 PM. The police arrived after the alarm through the alarm-system, but there was no trace of the burglars. What has been stolen is still unknown. Fortunately the band was not in the house at the time of the crime.
Unknown people had broken into a house of the band Tokio Hotel tonight. What has been stolen is still unknown. Fortunately the band was not in the house at the time of the crime.
3rd place for the free from giddiness boys from Tokio Hotel! Over the roofs of Berlin they shot their video for "Der letzte Tag". About 2000 screaming fan-girls came spontaneously to the video shoot! "The fans are always there and that's a totally nice feeling." - probably the girls thought that too...
A VH1 zenecsatorna leadta Selena Gomez 50 kedvenc videoklipjét. És kiket láthattunk a #39 helyen? Valóban, Tokio Hotel és a "Monsoon"!
Der Musiksender VH1 zeigte in einer Sendung die 50 Lieblings-Musikvideos von Selena Gomez. Und wen sehen wir da auf Platz 39?! Richtig, Tokio Hotel mit "Monsoon"!
The music channel VH1 showed the 50 favourite music videos of Selena Gomez in a show. And who do we see on #39?! Exactly, Tokio Hotel with "Monsoon"!
Bill: We're extremely nervous. Meaning, we're always extremely nervous and that also doesn't go away. I think it's just part of it. Of course, one is always nervous when walking on stage and as soon as one stands on it and begins then one relaxes relatively quickly on stage and actually just has fun. However, one has to say that we're extremely nervous prior to that.
Bill: This time the big difference is that we've got our very own stage with us. Well yes, that's basically what makes the difference. If one uses the local stage, like, the one at the venue, then, of course, it saves [money] when one doesn't have to drive it here and there. And this time we've got our very own stage with us though. Therefore it's all just a bit more elaborate.
Bill: Back in the day when I really still was quite young, like with seven, eight years, I was also standing at Nena concerts and so on, in the rain while I was waiting and so on. Meaning, definitely.
Tom: During the last phase of our album production – which took almost a year – I and Georg, we took, we just took 2 weeks off and, and passed by Jessica Alba's house with a tent and settled down. Nah, she didn't give a concert. She also didn't open the door, erm, so therefore it wasn't much of a success but those are just the little things one happens to do.
Bill: Especially Tom and I also don't know it any differently, yes? We grew up like that. We've evoked tremendous hatred in elderly people as well when we were still very young. Therefore... It's also one of those things that we enjoyed more than it was bad for us and one also has to say that we wouldn't be where we are now if we hadn't had them, the hater. So, therefore... Actually we're quite grateful for it.
Bill: Usually people hate us or they just really like it and so on and there's actually rarely anything in-between and therefore... Well, Tom and I grew up like that. Meaning, also when we weren't making any music. All we had to do was get on the school bus and the same thing was happening on there. So therefore, erm...it's actually a thing that we totally got used to.
Bill: Good question! How can one still earn money being a musician nowadays?! That is...difficult, one has to say. Tom: We've actually got a similar problem because, erm, of course we're spending so much money for the production on tour as it is so of course we're not earning any real money with such a tour anymore and CDs are also getting less and less all the time. Bill: So, additionally Georg has to prostitute himself on off days. *laughs* So he's, like, walking the street as well. Georg: Bill is my best customer, by the way. Bill: Exactly. *laughs*
Bill: I think it's really just sh*t, especially for, like, newcomer guys. Meaning, to get a record deal that's good and, and to still get your big breakthrough as an artist these days. I think that it's getting harder and harder because people don't invest anything anymore, of course. Well, when I’m looking at our own sh*t record label, then... Tom: *laughs* Yes, exactly. Bill: ... [we] can...we know about that.
Bill: Of course we can talk about the last five years especially, so when one has a look at the record industry, then, erm, there are definitely many, many old men sitting in front of their desk crying at the record labels. Meaning, it's proper going downhill. Meaning, it's really been easy to follow [the matter] over the past five years. Tom: When did one receive Platinum [records] in Germany 10 years ago? That was probably with, like, two million [sold] records or something? Bill: Probably, yes. Tom: I think, now Platinum lies at 200,000, right? Or something like that.
Tom: We also made the mistake... What's to say "made the mistake"? I'd probably always do it the same way over and over again. Somehow we've never done some things like, erm, some advertising contracts or something, like, where we were saying "Well, come on. Let's just do it so that, so that we can make some cash somehow." or "Let's just release a Tokio Hotel Lollipop." Or something like that. We really always took care of it somehow [being]... Yes, that we could, like, totally approve of it. And actually we've really focused more on our tours, on our albums and at the same time we actually left everything, everything behind that could be left behind.
Bill: What we wish for...? We definitely wish to go to Asia next. We wish for... Tom: [That] people buy records again and that the music industry flourishes again. *laughs* Bill: Exactly. We wish for less illegal downloads for everybody.
Bill: Hey, we're Tokio Hotel and just had an interview with Oliver and it was... Georg & Tom: Okay... okay...bearable. Bill: It was super, great, fantastic.
What sad eyes: The Tokio Hotel Singer never looked that unhappy. Depressions? Bill can’t go on any longer The worst crisis of his life: Bill Kaulitz’ year long success-trip is slowly turning into a Horror-Trip
Tokio Hotel released 4 Albums in 4 Years, which immedietely got #1 in the german Charts. Whole Europe goes wild because of these 4 boys from Magdeburg and from 2008 on american girls joined the european ones. A success-story, there’s no question about that. But by now it’s also a story about a burden which rests on the shoulders of the Frontman, Bill Kaulitz!
No one has ever seen the singer so stressed and down like today. The only thing that’s left from Bill is a shadow of his former self, when he secretly scurried into the Steakhouse “STK” in Los Angeles. A scandal for his fans, since Bill was recently voted “Sexiest Vegetarian” by the animal welfare organization “Peta”. But also celebrities criticize him. “You’re so gay”, Katy Perry agiated against him. People often attacked him in public, but this time the 21-year-old really takes it to heart. “The thing that Katy is doing is not nice, but she’s a strange person. There are a lot of shallow people in the music industry”, Bill says dolefully.
The times when Bill was considered a fashion muse, seem to be over too. Recently, his Twin Tom got a Model job for the shoe manufacturer “Reebok”. Tom doesn’t seem to notice that his brother isn’t feeling well. In fact he talks about a new Album – in german and english: “We’d have to do everything twice. Like, instead of recording 50 Songs we would have to record 100.”, said Tom. This means a lot of pressure for Bill, since he writes the Songs on his own.
Why doesn’t anyone notice, that this overwhelmes him?
• Got you! The vegeterian gets driven to a Steakhouse in L.A!
• Fans are angry: 2009 Bill announced that he would stop eating meat because of his “Love for animals”. Did he forget that in this restaurant?
• Tokio Hotel is one of the most successful german Bands of all time. Their recently released Tour-DVD is on #1 in the Charts in Germany, France, Switzerland, Malaysia, Brazil and Colombia.
• Katy Perry mocks him: “You’re so Gay, and you don’t even like boys….”
• Bill’s brother Tom is modelling now: He’s the new star of “Reebok”. In January Bill modelled for the Label “DSquared2″
• Bill Kaulitz absent-mindedly runs through L.A. Life is not easy for the singer at the moment.
• A continous-guest at the Studio: There’s got to be a new Album after “Humanoid” – bilingual “I have to write the lyrics in english and german now”, says Bill.
According to MORGENPOST: "A day after the birthday of the twins gave the 4 boys a press conference in Taipei, in October and November concerts are planned in Chile and Brazil in South America."
They wrote that the twins celebrated their birthday in Asia with Gustav and Georg!
A morgenpost szerint: "Egy nappal az ikrek születésnapja után a 4 fiú egy sajtótájékoztatót adott Taipeiben, októberben és novemberben koncerteket terveznek Dél-Amerikába, Chilébe és Braziliába.
Valamint azt is írták, hogy az ikrek Ázsiában ünnepelték a szülinapjukat Gustavval és Georggal!
A Tokio Hotel zenekar betörõk áldozata lett. Csütörtökre virradó éjjel ismeretlenek törtek be a Hamburg közeli seevetal-i házukba.
"Igen, szerda este betörtek a zenekar Hamburghoz közeli házába. Maga a zenekar, nem tartózkodott a házban a betörés idején. Még nincs pontos információnk arról, hogy mit loptak el.", erõsítette meg a Tokio Hotel producere és menedzsere, David Jost a Bild.de-nek.
Bill, Tom, Georg és Gustav mostanság sokat tartózkodik Ázsiában.
A tettesek 23:30 körül törték be a magdeburgi zenészek házának teraszajtaját és átkutatták/felforgatták a szobákat.
A rendõrség nem sokkal a ház riasztóberendezésének riasztása után ért ki a helyszínre, de a tettesek addigra már elmenekültek.
Police were called to [...] in the night to today (Thursday). Unknown persons had broken into a residential building of members of the band Tokio Hotel at around 11.30pm. The perpetrators broke open a patio door and searched through several rooms. Details about stolen goods are not known yet. Residents were not inside the building at the time of the offence.
Ma (csütörtök) éjjel a [....]-ra hívták a rendőrséget. Ahol ismeretlen személyek 23:30 körül betörtek a Tokio Hotel tagjai lakóházába. A tettesek feltörték a teraszajtót és több szobát feltúrtak. A lopott zsákmányról részletek még nem ismertek. A tett elkövetésének ideje alatt a lakók nem voltak az épületben.
On ad-hoc-news:
In a house rented by members of the band Tokio Hotel a break-in happened in the night of wednesday/thursday.
As police stated, the so far unknown offenders broke a terrasdoor and searched multiple rooms. what has been stolen is still unknown.
The bandmembers were not in the building at the time of the burglary
A Tokio Hotel 2 kategóriában nyert a Rockbjörnen Awards-on. Mind az "Årets konsert" (Az év koncertje) & "Årets utländska låt" (Az év nemzetközi dala)kategóriában ők kapták a díjat! Két videóüzenetben köszönték meg a fanoknak!
Tokio Hotel won 2 Rockbjörnen Awards in the categories "Årets konsert" (Concert of the Year) & "Årets utländska låt" (Foreign Song of the Year) today! They thanked their fans with two videomessages!